Saturday, October 29, 2005

my dears

My Dears...
If you want to know how much I miss you, go count the raindrops when it rain... the ones u catch will mean how much you miss me...
but the ones you missed out, will mean how much I miss you...

Yesterday went to watch 40 yr old virgin with Xuan, nice show, it was hilarious and kind of sweet. high reco... =) wake up today damn early coz got to prepare a war in the morning, won't go on details... so wake up around 8am, ah... now kind of get used waking up early i guess... so before war, got up and do my laundry first coz later going to meet my mum out jalan jalan... OH YEAH... before i forgot... u know what yesterday while i was in the cinema at PS, before the show start always got alot of commercial right? guess what commercial i saw??? its E R I C samsung commercial... OH GOSH... I was like couldn't believe my eyes that his commercial was shown over in SG, though quite short but i was so damn happy xia... hehe... just make my day...when can i see HS one??? haha.. well possibility is 0 i guess coz the commercial he endorse isn't available in SG +_+ oh yah... yesterday we watch the show hor, we were sitting on the first row leh... wah piang so sellable... anyway we still catch the show lor coz theres no other show i want to watch liao... lucky it turn out nice if not my neck is the one that suffer the most...haha. today got shopping mood leh coz took my pay liao..hehe... hopefully can buy some clothes... really nothing to wear like that leh and wearing heels to work is really a torture coz i always got to climb slope.... so painful...
Yesterday went Orchard then go find my darling, so miss everyone... met Ria also, she is leaving soon, glad for her that she had found a better job. My poor Land... poor little gal... take good care ok.. don't tire yourself out...

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