Thursday, October 13, 2005

Went Polyclinic to take my medicine today, after that went Outram buy cd then meet Serene, Nana, Siyun & Vic for dinner @ Punggol Park, so long never meet them liao, good to meet up with old friends and talk about all of us and gossiping of others. hehe. They wanted to organize a short trip to Bintan next month, hm... so broke how to go??? Whatever... I told Serene I very stress on the new job then she said she already prepare for the first week sure will receive my phone call, hehe. What Friends are for right?
Countdown to 2 more days. So damn sad xia...

Anyway I want to put Sungie photo. so long never upload his photo liao. hehe ^0^
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Nice?? I like the one in blue, so cute & hot. got to cool myself down. Image hosted by

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