Sunday, October 16, 2005


Now is 16 Oct Sun 1.35am. Just reach home about an hour ago, yesterday was my last day of work in Nike Women. Knock off at 4.30pm then rush to Orchard pass the shop key to my Manager, after that went home and put my things then went back to Parkway again, meet my colleagues for supper. Thought only the 5 (me, Land, Fee, Jannah & Shera) of us going only but luckily Sena & Siti was here too. So we went makan at Haig road there. Makan and took some photo, will upload it once I develop it. Received some presents and cards from my colleagues, so sweet of them. I love it. Surprisingly I didn't cry leh, suddenly felt like so strong like that but actually when I reach home, I cried for awhile. I don't know why I just feel like I haven't left the company yet leh. Gosh...what is happening to me??? Imagine I'm still not prepared for the new job which is tomorrow? ARGH... how? I'm so scare... Well... over the past one year and eight months over here, I felt I change alot, guess everybody got to grow up right? I'm so blessed that I have met such wonderful colleagues here, sincerely i wish to say Image hosted by to all my colleagues, they are always with me through ups and downs. greatly and deeply appreciate it. They can always make me smile and let me forget my worries. Image hosted by We will always be FRIENDS till the END. Loving them always~~~~

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