Monday, March 28, 2005


well...recently found a korean drama very nice. HIGHLY RECOMMEND Title: Lovers in Paris. This is a very typical type of korean drama, fairytale Cinderella story that I think don't really exist in real life. The story goes like that - Rich boy meets Poor gal, conflicts in the begining, fell in love, Rich boy's dad force him to marry another gal, background & status problem they were force to seperate. They really love each other so the Poor gal wanted to fly to other country to forget him, 2 yrs later the Rich boy flew to the country and find her and its happy ending... It was the part they broke off touched my heart coz whoever boy/gal broke off with their bf/gf will know the heart pain esp when both of your still love each other, the type of pain I really don't know how to describe but juzt pain & pain... so both of their tears just kept falling and MINE TOO.... so sad xia... this show in Korea is very popular... so muzt watch....

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