Monday, March 28, 2005

I cried

today i cry at work...WHY??? coz one of my sayang colleague Lala last day of work and I kept thinking of my last day at work sure very sad one coz i LOVE my colleague very much like Sena, Land, Siti, Juita, Lala, Fanice & Anom... they are all so nice man.... And today Anom also officially terminate from work coz she have been MIA at work for quite a couple of days, she got something cropped up at home and she didn't even called us... these 2 gers (Anom & Lala) came to work at the same day then last day of work also same day, so funny... but its really sad that they left i mean its really nice being colleagues with them man.... sad... ah... Lin don't come killing me if u tink this is not worth crying OK.... hehe... Yest read Jenny's blog damn funny xia... haha... think she muzt be so pissed off leh...ok lah i shall stop now... Lin want to read my IMPATIENT +_+


Shopaholic Lin said...

Si Bei KNS la u!!!
Thought what happen to u sia...make me kan chiong over who make u cry...DUHZZZZ
I won't kill u..if i were you..i will cry too...i sure cry until very qi cham if i were to leave my current u noe why i yet to quit this low-income plus lots of OT job of mine cos i dun wish to see myself in a terrible crying state! HAHAHA...

jelly_beans said...

ai yo... u guys always crying... but i agree sometimes tears just fall down... yes pauline i am really veri pissed by that PIG... idiot her until now still never contact me.. i shall c how long she will contact me... oh yes xuelin and pauline, u 2 must tell me if that PIG contact u pple... arrrgh still mad abt her