Thursday, March 31, 2005

Its Raining...

today is a rainy day again, like my heart too. I went to see the doc today , doc said i got thyroids so must take medication for at least one & a half year. I was shocked...speechless...frightened. MEDICATION for one & a half year is not long nor short lah but will there be any side effects??? I hope not leh... the doc gave me 2 types of med. 1 is to take 2 tablets in the morning & night another one is to take 6 tablets every morning. Your should see my reaction when I heard 6 TABLETS EVERY MORNING, my mouth was so wide-open. hopefully i will be able to cure after i eat the med. I ask the doc if i need any operation, he say now no need. OH MY GOD..that means there's possibilities lah...I never had any big injury( except last Nov i fell at work & broke my right hand and was in cast for 5 weeks) or any other operation before, so the word was never ever in my dictionary and noe I'm so scared. Ya...your would say after the OP will be alright one mah but it scare the hell out of me leh... I so scare what if the op is a failure? will there leave any scar? will i be able to talk as normal? so many questions float to my mind. Haiz...why i feel like that my life journey isn't as smooth sailing as it should be? So many obstacles for me to cross, so many troubles for me to face.
Well... never mind. Along the way I still have my loved ones with me, my Family, my Friends & my Colleagues. They are my precious one could take them away from me...NO...NEVER...
I really appreciate the care & concern yr given me. Million THANKS...

Life is like a bicycle. You don't fall off unless you stop pedaling.

It takes both rain & sunshine to make a rainbow.

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