Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Love is red like a rose
Love is green like the grass
Love is the moments you don't want to pass

Love is bright like the sun
Love is wet like the rain
Love is giving and losing and learning and pain

Love smells fresh like the flowers
It's blue as the sky
It's your smile when you laugh and your tears when you cry

Love is soft like a baby
It's rough like the sand
Love is the feeling of holding a hand

Love can't be bought
For no price is it sold
Love is the woman who's wrinkled and old

It's the chirp of the birds as they sing to the trees
It is sweet just like honey and sounds like the bees

Love is a teddy bear missing its eyes
Love comes in every shape, colour and size

Love is the boy who just lost his first tooth
Love can grow old but it still keeps its youth

Love is the friend that you always will miss
Love's not uptight but a warm gentle kiss

Love is hot chocolate on a cold winter day
Love is the child that asked you to play

Love sings not solo but sings in a pair
Love is not selfish, it's something you share

Love is the sickness we all want to feel
Love is a Band-Aid that helps you to heal

Love is accepting and caring and kind
When you're not looking it's something you'll find

When your beauty is gone, you are wrinkled and old
You will always have love it can never be sold

When you grow old, and after you're gone
Your spirit will live through the love you've passed on.

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