Friday, March 18, 2005

A Drowsy Day!!!

this morning wake up with a drowsy mind, was abit late for work coz something crop up & i think i made my dear sayang siti angry. i do really think she's angry with me coz i msg her & cal her she din pick up the phone nor reply my msg. so sad +_+ got to see tomorrow is she still angry with me. Well today food menu is kind of plain, have bread for breakfast, kueh & fruits for lunch & bee hoon soup for dinner, kind of too plain liao, so i hate being sick, coz everytime i sick i always tend to think of eating very heaty food, but can't eat..... oh god... Today is a very long day, kind of feel like sleeping the whole day, strange? i din take my med in the morning coz i know if i took the med i won't be able to go work already...haha, even though i dinn't eat the med i juz feel like SLEEPING think the med din really went off this morning coz i'm fine after my dinner break...haha kind of too late right? try to take a nap but can't coz my coleague packing stock inside the store room & it's kind of noisy so i can't SLEEP....I'm afraid later i take the med again tomorrow will be drowsy again, ok cross my finger...
Actually today while working something was juz in my mind, i know i shall not think of him but he just filled my mind. HOW to forget someone you really love most?? I know alot of people will say juz keep it inside one corner of my heart & as times pass i will be able to forget & one fine day i will be able to let this something inside one corner of my heart out & juz will laugh it off on how silly my life have been. (don't know anyone can understand not) It has been like 6, 7 years already and he has his own life,gf all these and i'm just like standing at the same point to wait for him??? to know that he won't be back already. well... call me silly call me stupid but it was HE that made me know what its like to be loved, to be doted on & most importantly someone there for me, i know its all over but i just somehow need to talk it out so here i am writing this thing telling yr how i feel. ok enough of this nonsense, otherwise i won't be able to sleep. good nite!!

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