Saturday, March 19, 2005

Everybody late!!

well.. yesterday i said tat my sayang Siti angry with me right? yah she really angry with me bcoz she thought i angry with her...haha... we very funny one lor... but the even more funny thing is that my sayang Siti today she actually work morning shift then have to reach shop at 10.45am but she forgotten she work morning shift today, more worse is she live in JB, haha, the she reach shop at 12+ & our Operating Manager (OM) call her up coz now every morning when we reach shop got to call her (ma fan) then coz she never receive sayang call so she call her & my sayang also blur leh then she(OM) ask sayang what time she will reach so sayang say 12.30pm then OM was like Oh...Siti it's very serious blah blah..... in her hong kong accent(OM is from Hong Kong) hahaha so funny then she say ok Siti i will go down the shop and open the door first then you know WHAT..... she say to sayang you got to pay for my cab fare....OH GOD i mean she an Operating Manager asking $ from her....she really KNS lor....can't stand her man.... then the funny part is she reach liao open the door but she don't have store room key.... WALAU... like that wait for my sayang to reach lah.... really CAN'T STAND HER then she still can tell my part timer Juita that she haven't brush her teeth, wash her face.... OH.....ok...enough of her, i everytime saw her just spoil my day coz she will be Pauline blah blah.... Pauline blah blah blah......ARGH..... don't like her.....then i today also nearly late, nearly want to take cab but my bus appear so took bus instead.... than sayang Landy also late...haha today is LATE DAY....only my sayang Juita is not late...
Had a very busy day today coz we got anniversary sales up to 40% then alot KIASU Singaporean come lor...OH...the KIASUISM very "jia lat" lor.... see the ugly side of them...oh god.... then mess up the clothes all these make me no mood to arrange also just heck care at night then do....haha if i arrange properly will still end up very messy... haiz... tomorrow full shift so tired.... my stupid flu haven't recover also....
Cousin Billy call me up today, actually wanted to call him yesterday but too tired then he say lucky never call him also coz these few days he field training (now serving NS) then hp low batt. haha... told him about the Thyroid thing... so scare.... what if its really positive??? oh gosh...cross my fingers....he go "chiong" again, this guy hor....haha

Tom Cruise

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