Thursday, May 26, 2005

today, still feeling very tired, coz yesterday slept @ 3am, watch a korea show, quite ok but the thing i don't like is it only have chinese sound, don't have korea original version, i very particular one, always like to buy with korea sound one if not i don't really but the show. hehe.
yesterday went to watch movies as i state on my previous blog, went to watch My boyfriend is type B, quite ok, romantic & funny, the male lead Lee Dong Gun very arrogant but still so cute, esp one part where he help the female lead to tease the teacher coz the teacher "bullies" her, then he knew the teacher is a gay then he purposely went to the classroom, slap the teacher and act like he is the teacher's "girlfriend", then the actual "girlfriend" is a student inside the class, so the actuall gf dash off out the class, that part was the most hilarious of all, the whole cinema laugh like hell xia...the action by Lee Dong Gun so damn sissy & funny. haha... after that show i went for another round of movie, Last Quarter. this is a Jap movie, wah piang...1 day watch 1 Korea & 1 Jap movie. haha, recently watch movie all marathon one...Hm... duno how to describe the show leh... i was so blur in the begining but luckily all the doubts was cleared at the back of the show, you know sometimes some shows you step out of the theatre you still don't know what the story line is? at least this show they gave a clear ending but you must really watch the whole show if not maybe will still abit blur, story line very long so dun wana write out lor, but the Hyde so damn cool & yandao. haha in the end, he act abit only, so finish the show already 11.30pm so took cab home. Janice got selected for her job already...Congrats... Jia You oh... today Lin came back from her Bangkok trip liao, juz reach not long, she very kua zhang leh, say she & her friends brought back 8 bags, she really shop till she drop leh...haha..anyway its great to go holiday esp shopping...i wana go holiday again...Korea? Japan? Taiwan? Hong Kong? OH...all these places i wana go...haha..
wah piang yest when i was out, my colleague msg me say i being selected to be representative to have an interview with Ch8 on 2nd Jun, talk about Singapore Sales things, some shops were being selected in Parkway. i was like nearly fainted... but luckily today i call my Operations Manager told her that that day i have got doctor's appointment, then guess what..she gave me off that day...YEAH...that means i no need go for the interview...hahaha...YEAH... so happy.
k lah blog another day. tmr & sat full shift...shit...
oh...finally saw the korea award from ent news just now, saw Eric but they so BAD... didn't show his interview...only flash his face abit only....URGH... idiot.. but he so damn yandao when he smile... juz melt my heart..hehe

Love is once pleasure
many times sufferings (extract from My boyfriend is type B)

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