Friday, May 06, 2005


I sometimes find myself having the miracles in life, seem to be bless by my guardian angel. still remember my entry few days ago? about i kena the msp & i cried? today a miracle appeared. Last sat there was this lady came to buy shoe from me and she wore it the next day and the shoe gave her problem so she came back on sun to change and i attended to her again, so i ask my sayang whether can change since she already used it then my sayang say ok so i told her she can change to another pair and the pair she like don't have her size so i called the other outlet to check the size then taka outlet have and since mon i going there to pick up some stuffs so i told her to wait till mon coz i going down to take things too so when the shoe come i will give her a call, so mon came and i indeed gave her a call so she came back on mon night to change it and she really appreciate my help and i heard her saying she want to write to my head and comment on me, at that point i didn't really take it so seriously, and guess what... she really wrote to my head and it turns out that the customer was a friend to my head and she is actually director of Republic Poly. I actually saw the letter she worte to my head and i was like HUH???? i don't think i am so good like what she mention leh what she wrote i now actually couldn't remember but she wrote until very good xia... actually what i did was very usual for my some customers lor, sometimes when customer need something that my shop don't have and they don't want to travel to city then i will go down take the stocks for them but she did really save me lor, and can cover up for my poor msp results greatful to her leh... like my saviour =) my om still say they will give me a certificate of encouragement....hahaha...don't sack me i already very grateful leh...haha... if i manage to get the letter she wrote i will put up what she wrote +_+ so happy.. haha... Nike visual display staff Jasmine came down and gave us some Nike stuffs to encourage for our visual happy again...Phew... my life always Ups and Down leh... Just cross my fingers that this month if i really kena the msp HOPE it will be very GOOD... pray for me my friends...
* thanks Jen for your encouragement +_+

Life is 10 percent what you make it and
90 percent how you take it.

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