Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Dear boy,
where exactly are you now? you know what? i feel like burying myself in your arms right now. have you by my side & comforting me. i'm feeling so sad... i cried today, at outside not at home, somemore still at ngee ann city delifrance. wah piang so damn paisei but luckily not much people there today.... today is actually my off day, but last minute being called up for a meeting with my operation manager, shop manager & supervisor... i kena the mystery shopper program thing again... consequently for 2 times in april and all say about very bad things... so they called me up and ask the reasons... halfway through it, i can't control myself and cried. i feel like i got everyone into trouble and i'm so guilty.. but i don't know why the stupid msp write until so bad... haiz...i'm crying again... xiao liao lah, 2mr my eyes sure like goldfish... dont like the way my operation manager talk to me..she is just so angry with me...and she's so straight forward...she pop out 1 question. do you really want to continue working? inside my heart i was thinking...am i really that bad? though inside my heart i was thinking no but i replied yes... i admit i was treating this job as a stepping stone and guess what i was stepping in this stone for 1 year plus...tendered my resignation once but after that my shop manager managed to ask me to stay. operation manager even said she actually wants to give me a warning letter, which is not very good if i want a promotion or pay rise etc... actually they was planning to promote me to senior staff but i don't want and guess what she...haiz...i don't know how to put to words leh, i'm just very sad about her attitude and i know my shop manager is trying to help me talking about good things. i know she got her pressure coz recently we just change our head and the head is very new to all of us and he see the msp result he ask her what to do with this staff that is in our company for 1 year already... HUH...i have been black listed leh...how? even training dept also ask her what happened. i feel so stressed up now for this job... first time ever leh...now i feel so tired xia... feel like quiting this job now...how? kind of out of breathe. feel like having a big cry now... sure some of you will think this is not a big thing right? i also felt like that before i met them for the short meeting but after that i felt so guilty leh... is it better for me to find another job? well...maybe after my genting trip i will come back refresh and after the taka sales i will start to look for better jobs... wish me luck, my dear friends...

Bad habits are like comfortable bed,
easy to get into, but hard to get out of.

Though no one can go back and make a new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life.
It goes on.

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