Saturday, May 28, 2005

I know your might be so xian of him, but i'm still going crazy over him oh...

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Sooo.. SeXy

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KiSS kIsS I also want... ^_^

Thursday, May 26, 2005

today, still feeling very tired, coz yesterday slept @ 3am, watch a korea show, quite ok but the thing i don't like is it only have chinese sound, don't have korea original version, i very particular one, always like to buy with korea sound one if not i don't really but the show. hehe.
yesterday went to watch movies as i state on my previous blog, went to watch My boyfriend is type B, quite ok, romantic & funny, the male lead Lee Dong Gun very arrogant but still so cute, esp one part where he help the female lead to tease the teacher coz the teacher "bullies" her, then he knew the teacher is a gay then he purposely went to the classroom, slap the teacher and act like he is the teacher's "girlfriend", then the actual "girlfriend" is a student inside the class, so the actuall gf dash off out the class, that part was the most hilarious of all, the whole cinema laugh like hell xia...the action by Lee Dong Gun so damn sissy & funny. haha... after that show i went for another round of movie, Last Quarter. this is a Jap movie, wah piang...1 day watch 1 Korea & 1 Jap movie. haha, recently watch movie all marathon one...Hm... duno how to describe the show leh... i was so blur in the begining but luckily all the doubts was cleared at the back of the show, you know sometimes some shows you step out of the theatre you still don't know what the story line is? at least this show they gave a clear ending but you must really watch the whole show if not maybe will still abit blur, story line very long so dun wana write out lor, but the Hyde so damn cool & yandao. haha in the end, he act abit only, so finish the show already 11.30pm so took cab home. Janice got selected for her job already...Congrats... Jia You oh... today Lin came back from her Bangkok trip liao, juz reach not long, she very kua zhang leh, say she & her friends brought back 8 bags, she really shop till she drop leh...haha..anyway its great to go holiday esp shopping...i wana go holiday again...Korea? Japan? Taiwan? Hong Kong? OH...all these places i wana go...haha..
wah piang yest when i was out, my colleague msg me say i being selected to be representative to have an interview with Ch8 on 2nd Jun, talk about Singapore Sales things, some shops were being selected in Parkway. i was like nearly fainted... but luckily today i call my Operations Manager told her that that day i have got doctor's appointment, then guess what..she gave me off that day...YEAH...that means i no need go for the interview...hahaha...YEAH... so happy.
k lah blog another day. tmr & sat full shift...shit...
oh...finally saw the korea award from ent news just now, saw Eric but they so BAD... didn't show his interview...only flash his face abit only....URGH... idiot.. but he so damn yandao when he smile... juz melt my heart..hehe

Love is once pleasure
many times sufferings (extract from My boyfriend is type B)

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Actually I'm very lazy to blog these few days coz the Taka sales is driving me crazy and I'm so tired. guess what... ever since i work there, i have been sleeping very early leh, like these few days i slept ard 1.30am where normally i sleep around 2+ 3am and yesterday is a record...i doze off at 1am....i guess i'm really too tired... wish this stupid sales ends faster. anyway today i met Clara, saw her at atm through the place i work then i call her, i ask her to come in and talk then she say ok but she totally forgot come and find me...haha..funny xia..
YEAH... someone did a very sweet thing for Sayang Land help me capture alot of Eric's photo sweet of her...haha..i'm like making everybody known that i go GA GA CRAZY head over heels for him... THANKS you~
Another happy thing is i ask my cousin's gf help me buy My boyfriend is type B movie ticket..I'm watching it tmr...YEAH... this show i bio very long liao...finally is out... hope is a nice one... watching it with Janice tmr, she going for interview tmr, hope all goes well for her.
k i better stop whole body aching...and i'm hungry too...haha...
Oh yah... few days ago in Korea, Eric won 2 award for his new Korea drama. CONGRATULATIONS. can't wait for his new show to come out...[anticipating] don't make me wait too long....haha

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Can't get him out of my mind...

I'm working Taka from today onwards... got sales going on so kena attached there, always so sway to get attached to these type of sales one leh... so damn tired, work full shift today, going to end on 1st still so long xia... anyway.. actually what i want to say is today though work full shift very tired but there's someone kept appearing in my mind... Hahaha...i guess somebody already know the answer...YEAH...thats ERIC MUN... i just can't get him out of my mind leh... why huh??? oh gosh... the feeling is so damn strange leh... anyone to help cure me?? I'm so helpless & hopeless xia... haha... i find that he really like to wear cross necklace leh...he is christian and he got alot of cross necklace xia...

Thursday, May 19, 2005

He is SOoooooo.... CUTE.....I JUST LOVE HIM...

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Wednesday, May 18, 2005

this is from my Sayang Land to me.

To pauline....

When everything in life is going down, it is always
great to have a frd around. A frd will help you thru
even if you feel like there's nothing you can do. Frds
will give you advice & love you. They'll love & admire
every little thing that you do. Thks for being my frd.

Isn't he cute...

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I'm Back

YOYOYO... I'm back...finally here to update liao...actually i came back last fri but I'm sick and so lazy to blog. ok.. some updates to my genting trip. reach genting on wed morning 5am, managed to check in my room ard 6.30am, so have a quick nap and then wake up, have breakfast all these 1pm and i'm set off to KL, went shopping at Sungei Wang, recomended by my colleagues, know what manage to shop that SHOPPING MALL only coz my mum went with us, (the trip together is 3 person, me. my mum & Xuan) then she was like abit fed up lor...coz her heart din even leave Genting, her mind was only CASINO... this is the part I can't stand her... we went back to Genting at 5pm. bought 2 pairs of shoes... so happy ^_^ then bought some small stuffs. 6pm we reach back Genting so went jalan jalan with Xuan. Thur morning wake up have breakfast then went to Outdoor Theme Park play... this is the most happy part apart from shopping... then afternoon go jalan again, we went casino too.... first time go in...very fun and jackpot...haha... though abit boring but still can find entertainment... nice experience... we went clubbing on wed nite too..ladies night, free entrance & 1 free drink...listen to live band..nice.. thur night after the casino, me & Xuan went Starbucks "la kopi" till 3am then went back room pack things, talk & watch tv till 5+ am....AH... so damn tired xia... reach Singapore is 9pm, reach home around 10pm liao... that day 1.30am sleep tired..haven have any good sleep since i went Genting... sleep alone in my bed seems abit scary. why? coz my room very special one... you know sometimes when you go overseas stay at hotel, before you enter, its best to knock beore going in, so we knock then after that every time we go in, we need to knock too, coz whenever i put the card key in it just wouldn't open but whenver i knock first, its always ok... not that i put the card in the worng way...i mean i put it correctly ok... if i put it in the right way but didn't knock..i just can't seem to open the door leh... strange huh... the tap also very noisy... oh..i staying in first world hotel... room also at very corner... that's why i like didn't really sleep there, always in my deep sleep when i see the sun coming its like few hours sleep only...

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ok...thats all for now...

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


yeah yeah... in just a few hours time, I'm heading for my vacation... haha...waited finally for so long leh... I'm so excited... hopefully will be a happy n fruitful trip..haha.. i wana go KL shop n shop leh... hopefully the trip to KL will be a very smooth one ^_^ but seriously i hate the bus journey... its kind of love & hate... coz u can sleep very quietly n enjoy very nice scenery, hate is i when i need to go toilet and have to wait for another stop over, there was once like that lor, nearly can't control myself...haha... though it will be a very short trip, i really hope i can enjoy myself... my one week leave so SHIOK almost sleep whole day man...coz raining so shiok then i sleep until i dun wana wake up..haha.. anyway i juz finish packing my things only, still left abit to pack lah, hopefully dun miss anything out, my bag is so heavy leh... very kiasu one...i always like to bring alot of things, in case of emergency man...
k lah, i got to stop here and take my shower liao, still got to prepare a bit of things, wish me have a nice holiday ba... love you guys...take care...

Sunday, May 08, 2005

the letter i have said i will po up the letter. so here it goes.

Dear Helen

I write to share good news with you. Last saturday,I was at your NKWM store at PP and bought yoga mat, apparel and a pair of running shoes. The 10% discount for May Day was a good deal!! I ran with my new shoes on Sunday and it did not fit well. Brought it back to your store and Pauline, the lady who served me on Saturday, was excellent in attending me. She helped me choose another pair and even checked the sizes at the other stores. She went to Orchard to pick it up for me and I was able to get my shoes by Monday night. I am impressed with her service, dedication and professionalism!
Inspired by her, I decided to explore sports retailing to ensure that sports retailers are able to give excellent service like her. I assume that if retailers are equipped with sports fundamentals, they would be able to better advise their customers, the way Pauline has done for me. As a result, I tried to put a new program for sports retailing.
Dr Wee (i dun wana put full name)
PhD, MBA, Bsc(Hons), BBA, FCIM(UK)
Director/Centre for Innovation and Enterprise
Republic Polytechnic

this might be the only ever good thing that happen in my this company. haha..
still 2 more days to go for mt genting trip....YEAH... i wana go KL shop till drop.... haha...hope it don't rain..

Friday, May 06, 2005


I sometimes find myself having the miracles in life, seem to be bless by my guardian angel. still remember my entry few days ago? about i kena the msp & i cried? today a miracle appeared. Last sat there was this lady came to buy shoe from me and she wore it the next day and the shoe gave her problem so she came back on sun to change and i attended to her again, so i ask my sayang whether can change since she already used it then my sayang say ok so i told her she can change to another pair and the pair she like don't have her size so i called the other outlet to check the size then taka outlet have and since mon i going there to pick up some stuffs so i told her to wait till mon coz i going down to take things too so when the shoe come i will give her a call, so mon came and i indeed gave her a call so she came back on mon night to change it and she really appreciate my help and i heard her saying she want to write to my head and comment on me, at that point i didn't really take it so seriously, and guess what... she really wrote to my head and it turns out that the customer was a friend to my head and she is actually director of Republic Poly. I actually saw the letter she worte to my head and i was like HUH???? i don't think i am so good like what she mention leh what she wrote i now actually couldn't remember but she wrote until very good xia... actually what i did was very usual for my some customers lor, sometimes when customer need something that my shop don't have and they don't want to travel to city then i will go down take the stocks for them but she did really save me lor, and can cover up for my poor msp results greatful to her leh... like my saviour =) my om still say they will give me a certificate of encouragement....hahaha...don't sack me i already very grateful leh...haha... if i manage to get the letter she wrote i will put up what she wrote +_+ so happy.. haha... Nike visual display staff Jasmine came down and gave us some Nike stuffs to encourage for our visual happy again...Phew... my life always Ups and Down leh... Just cross my fingers that this month if i really kena the msp HOPE it will be very GOOD... pray for me my friends...
* thanks Jen for your encouragement +_+

Life is 10 percent what you make it and
90 percent how you take it.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

My Sayangs~

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Love your. +_+

In love with him

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I'm sooooo in love with him now....his name is ERIC MUN

Whether joy or sorrowful, the heart needs a double,
because a joy is doubled and a pain that is shared is divided.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Dear boy,
where exactly are you now? you know what? i feel like burying myself in your arms right now. have you by my side & comforting me. i'm feeling so sad... i cried today, at outside not at home, somemore still at ngee ann city delifrance. wah piang so damn paisei but luckily not much people there today.... today is actually my off day, but last minute being called up for a meeting with my operation manager, shop manager & supervisor... i kena the mystery shopper program thing again... consequently for 2 times in april and all say about very bad things... so they called me up and ask the reasons... halfway through it, i can't control myself and cried. i feel like i got everyone into trouble and i'm so guilty.. but i don't know why the stupid msp write until so bad... haiz...i'm crying again... xiao liao lah, 2mr my eyes sure like goldfish... dont like the way my operation manager talk to me..she is just so angry with me...and she's so straight forward...she pop out 1 question. do you really want to continue working? inside my heart i was i really that bad? though inside my heart i was thinking no but i replied yes... i admit i was treating this job as a stepping stone and guess what i was stepping in this stone for 1 year plus...tendered my resignation once but after that my shop manager managed to ask me to stay. operation manager even said she actually wants to give me a warning letter, which is not very good if i want a promotion or pay rise etc... actually they was planning to promote me to senior staff but i don't want and guess what she...haiz...i don't know how to put to words leh, i'm just very sad about her attitude and i know my shop manager is trying to help me talking about good things. i know she got her pressure coz recently we just change our head and the head is very new to all of us and he see the msp result he ask her what to do with this staff that is in our company for 1 year already... HUH...i have been black listed even training dept also ask her what happened. i feel so stressed up now for this job... first time ever i feel so tired xia... feel like quiting this job kind of out of breathe. feel like having a big cry now... sure some of you will think this is not a big thing right? i also felt like that before i met them for the short meeting but after that i felt so guilty leh... is it better for me to find another job? well...maybe after my genting trip i will come back refresh and after the taka sales i will start to look for better jobs... wish me luck, my dear friends...

Bad habits are like comfortable bed,
easy to get into, but hard to get out of.

Though no one can go back and make a new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life.
It goes on.

Missing Rib

A girl in love asked her boyfriend..

Girl (g): Tell me... who do you love most in this world?

Boy (b): You, of course!

(g): In your heart, what am I to you?

(b): The boy thought for a moment and looked intently in her eyes and said, "You are my rib."

In the Bible, it was said that God saw that Adam was lonely, during his sleep; God took one of Adam's rib and created Eve.

Every man has been searching for his missing rib, only when you find the woman of your life; you'll no longer feel the lingering ache in your heart.

After their wedding, the couple had a sweet and happy life for a long while.

However, the youthful couple, due to busy schedule of modern life, the never-ending worries of daily problems, began to drift apart and their life became mundane..

All the challenges posed by the harsh realities of life began to gnaw away their dreams and love for each other..

The couple began to have more quarrels and each quarrel became more heated..

One day, after the quarrel, the girl ran out of the house..

At the opposite side of the road, she shouted, "You don't love me!"

The boy hated her childishness and out of impulse, retorted, "Maybe, it was a mistake for us to be together! You were never my missing rib!"

Suddenly, she turned quiet and stood there for a long while..

He regretted what he said but words spoken are like thrown away water, you can never take it back..

With tears, she went home to pack her things and was determined in breaking-up.

Before she left the house, "If I'm really not your missing rib, please let me go...? she continued, "It is less painful this way... let us go on our separate ways and search for our own partners..."

Five years have since gone by..

He had never remarried but he had tried to find out about her life

She had left the country and back..

She had married a foreigner and divorced..

He felt anguished that she never waited for him..

In one dark and lonely night, he lit his cigarette and felt the lingering ache in his heart..

He couldn't bring himself to admit that he was missing her..

One day, they finally met...

At the airport, a place where there were many reunions and good-byes..

He was going away on a business trip.

She was standing there alone, with just the security door separating them..

She smiled at him gently..

(b): How are you?

(g): I'm fine. How about you... Have you found your missing rib?

(b): No.

(g): I'll be flying to New York in the next flight.

(b): I'll be back in 2 weeks time. Give me a call when you are back... You know my number... Nothing has changed.

With a smile, she turned around and waved good-bye..


Is it forever not meeting each other again?

One week later, he heard of her death..

She had perished in New York..

In the event that shocked the world..


Once again, he lit his cigarette.. And like before, he felt the lingering ache in his heart..

He finally knew, she was his missing rib that he had carelessly broken..

Sometimes, people say things out of moments of fury...

Most often than not, the outcome(s) could be disastrous and detrimental..

We vent our frustrations 99% at our loved ones..

And even though we know that we ought to "think twice act wise", it's often easier said than done.

Things happen day by day, which are beyond our control..

Especially at this moment of the century when the most undesirable event is happening at the other end of the world..

Let us treasure every moment of our lives and everyone in our lives.

"Tomorrow never comes; give and take what you have today"

Words Women Use

This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
Five Minutes
If she is getting dressed, this is half an hour.
Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given 5 more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
This is the calm before the storm. This means "something" and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with "nothing" usually end in "fine".
Go Ahead
This is a dare, not permission, DON'T DO IT!
Loud Sigh
Although not actually a word, the loud sigh is often misunderstood by men. A "Loud Sigh" means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you over "Nothing".
That's Okay
This is one of the most dangerous statements that woman can make to a man. "That's Okay" means that she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
This is the least used of all words in the female vocabulary. If a woman is thanking you. Do not question it, just say you're welcome and back out of the room slowly.







And last but not least: