Sunday, April 10, 2005


Yesterday my Sayang Juita last day... we went to eat steamboat @ Paya Lebar there, took some pictures then me & Land made a card for her... Haiz...kind of miss her leh... she gave us each a letter... =) so touching...esp the part she wrote: May there be a time, a place and a date till we meet again... sad right??? haiz...feel like crying xia... esp at that point where i read the letter at the bus stop, nearly cry out.. I will always miss you...
Today the new partimer came ( our shop duno change how many part timer liao, not that we mistreat them lah but all always student then need to go back school ) this new part timer Poly attachment, she staying @ Woodlands study @ Temasek...wah piang damn far xia...btu think got straight bus ok lor..She's a malay. Very quiet lor. Didn't really talk much to her..duno wat to say man...haiz...think she will be here for 3 months...then she will be the longest part timer here..wahaha.. today's dinner is Pizza Hut...Yummy...very long never eat pizza liao... today i saw job vacany @ S & K leh...don't know want to go try not leh...the pay very tempting leh...senior sales coordinator $1600 leh...high right?? wana go try?? haiz...Xuan tell me to go try she say no harm rite? anyway its free...hahaha she geting more cute xia...Just now after work, Land & me try the Nike new launch app & take photo...haha..damn funny see i can get her to send me the pic not..then i upload @ friendster..not here lor..still can't figure up hw to upload photo here...
Ah...yest nite i went took cab with Land after our steam boat then the cab driver damn funny leh...crap alot xia... say Land & me sweet...wahaha.. Land told him " Uncle today u eat alot of sweet hor." funny then after i drop off first then the uncle told Land that he want to intro his son to her...but pity her son abit young... i laugh out xia..recently alot of people want to match make her leh... i got this regular customer that day came down want to look for Land then that time, she went Suntec help out new store then she went down to find Land leh, say she want to intro her brother to her but he's a bit old lor...38 yrs old, older than Land ard 10 yrs old... OPS Land I'm sorry to let out yr age...wah piang i laugh untill cannot xia... Land say dun want lor then the customer say want to intro to me (LOL) then Land told her i very young only lor...wah piang...this customer very cute still can say her bro not damn funny...think next time she come i will start laughing out loud
K lah...enough of today...nitey & take good care my friends...

You don't marry someone you live with,
you marry the person who you cannot live without.

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