Saturday, April 23, 2005

Thank You +_+

now is 23 apr 5.10am. I just reached home, though abit tired but i still wana blog. Thanks my dear friends, colleagues & family members for all the sms, phone calls & of course presents. the funny thing is hor, this year i receive alot of bags leh, my taka colleagues bought me a bag, Janice, Siew Hua & Lin bought me bags too.....wah scary xia... suddenly all bag leh... received a perfume from Minnie & Micky Mouse... perfume from smell...i like it...hehe... juz in need of new perfume... did I spend my Birthday? Well practically inside theatre, went to watch 3 marathon suggested by Billy. Infection watched in Lido and then Creep & Wet Dream @ PS... i guess this is the first time ever i watch 3 show in a row, previous record is only 2 show in a go. the first 2 shows just scare the hell out of me ESP CREEP....wah piang scared untill cannot... at least the Infection still not that scary... anyway this shows quite sucks coz after the show i didn't even know the story line at all... Creep's story line also catch no ball but i roughly know abit of the story line lah quite alot of intense parts.. me, Xuan & Minnie Mouse even scream few times xia...wahahaha... Wet Dream is kind of comedy lor... at least this show not horror movie then finally can buy pop corn inside... Lucky Billy never watch another horror movie again...if not i really will faint mind kept thinking about the Creep leh.... inside theres some disturbing scene lor... very grusome... halfway through the show make me wana puke xia....anyway thats how i spend my this year birthday... kind of boring but quite an experience lor...keke... the last 2 show not i cousin pay...haha...yeah... save $... anyway that is the birthday present he gave me...
I am glad that at least there's some people who accompany me for my birthday, i think the last 2 years birthday i was rotting at home i'm happy that i have accompany for my birthday....k lah...thats all for the updates... I really enjoyed myself... except the scary parts... Lastly THANKS again.... Night everyone.... Sweet dreamz....

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