Tuesday, April 19, 2005

I swear

I swear from today onwards not to eat beef and food like frog wild food to say.... and please refrain me from all these food from now on... these sompa i swear it in front of god & if i eat it i will have to ... leh...well... i won't tell your what exactly did i say lah... so its a secret oh...oh gosh...i'm so tired now...well let me tell your what i did today.... early morning went to my aunt Pauline (sama name as me..wahaha) house get to buy some things then reach Balestier pray to Guan Yin first, after that walk down abit then pray Tua Pek Gong...after that went Sin Ming rd there pray my grandpa...first time this year go pray pray to him coz previously my family went but they didn't tell me they going so finally today i went to pray him, bought him a shirt, a watch and some $, i even told him that if he think not enough can appear in our dreams to tell us but hopefully he don't scare us lah...wahaha... some of my family members dreamt of hime before and my uncle even once felt his presence at old home (after my grandpa death, my unlce live alone at the old house then kena chase out lor, coz they got to tear down the blk and built a basketball court [somewhere near my house now] then that was the last day at the house and my uncle wake up very early to brush teeth then he felt something behind him so should be my grandpa, coz he actually don't wana move one lor, i heard from my aunt say they ask him to move before, that time he haven't pass away lah... he say he don't want...well... the old house brought alot of memories, half of my childhood happens at the house, i still remember how love grew large in that tiny house , how joy came to visit and decided to stay). talk to my aunt alot while waiting for the joss stick to burn for awhile before we could burn the things... my aunt told me alot of the times when they were small all these, coz my grandpa dote on my this aunt alot... so she told me alot of stories then at that point, tears were rolling in my eyes... i just miss my grandpa... he pass away at a very young age, 51, young right...i was in primary school at that time , maybe around pri 2 or 3 but i knew jolly well he won't be around anymore, i remember the day we receive the news was around morning time, my mum, my uncle & my aunties received calls and rush to the hospital but they didn't get to see him the last time... then it was when the day morning ard 8am i heard my brother crying on top (we share double decker bed, he sleeps on top) so i went to talk to him but he just burried himself under the blanket so i went to the living room and saw my mum crying, so i ask her what happened and she told me, after hearing the news i also end up crying on my bed... soon we were busy preparing the wake... still remember the last day of the wake..all of us cry very hard... esp when the coffin was push to the fire... all of us... were crying... i knew he's gone...forever... but he will always live inside our heart...FOREVER... we really miss him... i still remember i have seen my mum cry alone at night, i knew she miss my grandpa..though she was not his doted daughter, coz my mum is the eldest in the family so she actually had a very hard life... very little study and alot of work... i knew my mum loves his dad... writing this really makes me think of the past... so heart pain yet so deep inside my heart...though now i rarely had any image of my grandpa and his face seems so blur inside my mind but i knew i love him... frankly speaking now i sometimes complain to him that he is so favourtism (duno the spelling right nt) pian xin....coz every time i need to buah pue (the 2 red half cresent thing) he always dun let me have the "shen bei" that means i got to ask his consent whether he finish his food so that i can burn his things already, he always say no to me... like today also i ask him whether i can go burn his clothes already he say no twice...then my aunt try also no...surprisingly leh coz she my grandpa favourite, my grandpa still can say no... then you know what my aunt told me coz she say to my grandpa that the things is i bought one... so that means my grandpa don't like it izit....[angry]... then after that ok already i juz say...gong gong ni pian xin leh.... untill now i think i only got once that he gave me the shen bei only... pian xin rite... sometimes i just will grumble to him one... my grandpa also dote on my aunt's son Garrick... i think apart from my brother, my grandpa dote on him the most... then my aunt told me this funny thing today, she say there was once they came to pray to my grandpa then my aunt wants Garrick to buah pue then 1st try cannot then the 2nd time he told my grandpa this: gong gong, Favian (Garrick's smaller brother) very naughty one leh, he now alone at home, i got to hurry go back home and look after him, then shen bei....wahaha...so funny..really works man...
i think i'm saying too much liao rite... k lah enough of it.... another time perhaps... oh ya...recently at night while sleeping, i've got very bad cramps on my leg... damn painful leh like my veins kena being pull like that...duno izit bcoz of the med i taking now...also very giddy these few days... haiz...what the hell man... ok thats all folks... oh ya... recently Land have being calling me little one....so sweet, like the way she say sleep tight my little one or sleep early my little one....keke...
k lah...really thats all....nite my big or little ones.... +_+

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