Friday, April 29, 2005


Yesterday finally book tic to Genting liao...YEAH... looking forward excited... hah..hope all goes well... looking forward to 10 May to count my days well... i've got 6 days leave+off days for that week...SHIOK xia.... but after i come back got to be busy already coz there will be sales at taka to help out again... wah piang i always tio this kind of lobang one leh... every time theres sales ask me to go. SHIT... from 19 may till 1 jun..wah i next month so many days not @ PP leh...will miss my dears leh but nvm... i will get to c my taka guy & other yandaos... haha... muz make my eyes busy there....LOL... wahaha
Recently i get very hyperactive at work... duno izit bcoz of the med i taking.. always laugh alot at work... i guess this is a good thing lor... smile always to forget my sickness.. good right? but the side effects will be i sometimes get headache or feel giddy... not a good sign huh... k lah duno wat else to say liao... gtg.. OH YAH... i finally saw the korea drama i want to buy...haha...tmr get pay i want to buy the show liao..hand very itchy..wahaha.. chaoz....

The best things in life are never rationed.
Friendship, loyalty and love.
They do not require coupons.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

To My Friends ~

Someone to laugh with, perhaps to shed tears
A person who's been with you all through the years.
Someone to shelter you from days that are cold
A shoulder to lean on, a warm hand to hold.
An arm to catch you if you slip and you fall
And an ear for your problems whenever you call.
Someone to share your giggles and your screams
A person to tell all your secrets and dreams.
Someone to hug you when you're happy or sad
To just be there in the good times or bad.
A person with whom you don't have to pretend
These are the jobs of a very best friend.

A friend will not talk bad about you
and will never lie.
Friends are always there for you
if you need to cry.
Friends will be there for you
through thick and through thin.
When the rest of the world walks out on you,
a friend will walk in.

To ~ Land

A poem to share with you.

I cannot hear your laughter
I cannot see your smile.
I wish that we could talk again
If only for awhile.
I know you're watching over me
Seeing everything I do.
And though you'll always be with me
I will always be missing you.
You taught me that life is much too short
And at any time could end.
But know that no matter where you are
You will always be my friend.
And when it's time for me to go
You'll be there to show me the way
I wish that you could still be here
But I'll see you again someday.

today i finally watch finished one jap drama...about love usual... about high school couple then the gal got leukemia then died.... very sad show...and i flood my pillow while watching the last disc.... so sad... so feel like sharing this poem with Land... hope u like it...

If it weren't for memories, I'd probably still be crying. I have come to realize that sometimes, all you can hold on to are memories.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Recently I have been too lazy to blog leh, so damn lazy. anyway, life is just so plain, come back, online/offline, watch vcd/scv then Zzzzzz..... Hm... recently got holiday plan, hope all goes well... so excited coz really very long never get out off Singapore liao... anyway just only to Genting lah, but I'm still looking forward +_+
got 8 days leave to clear before end of Jun..shiok xia... k lah.. gtg... don't know what to write liao. night everyone.

A Heart Too Soft

The pain is within me I can't get it out.
It does me no good to scream and to shout.
The moans I emit and the tears that fall
Do nothing to ease my pain at all.

They say time's a healer. I pray that it's true.
And wait for the healing is all I can do.
For my heart has been broken, my faith in man crushed.
I trusted in others and in the end lost.

I've been such a fool, for too soft is my heart
And it opens wide up for each fiery dart.
What good is a heart that is tender and meek,
That smashes to pieces beneath others' feet?

Of what use can it be when it fills up with pain
For it trusts and it loves again and again.
A heart that is hard, that loves not at all,
That never will trust, feels no pain at all.

But it also feels nothing of life that is sweet.
Can it be there's a middle where hard and soft meet?
Should I go on believing in my fellow man?
Is it worth the great risk if I'm let down again?

In my soul I believe that the answer is yes,
For to live without love could never be best.
To never know friendship, what good would life be?
So the risks are worth taking, at least for me.

I'll guard my heart the best that I can,
Knowing that I'll get hurt again.
That's the risk I must take, and that's what I'll do,
For to live without love just never would do.

When you know it is time for a relationship to end
it's best just to end it.
The longer you wait, the messier things get.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Thank You +_+

now is 23 apr 5.10am. I just reached home, though abit tired but i still wana blog. Thanks my dear friends, colleagues & family members for all the sms, phone calls & of course presents. the funny thing is hor, this year i receive alot of bags leh, my taka colleagues bought me a bag, Janice, Siew Hua & Lin bought me bags too.....wah scary xia... suddenly all bag leh... received a perfume from Minnie & Micky Mouse... perfume from smell...i like it...hehe... juz in need of new perfume... did I spend my Birthday? Well practically inside theatre, went to watch 3 marathon suggested by Billy. Infection watched in Lido and then Creep & Wet Dream @ PS... i guess this is the first time ever i watch 3 show in a row, previous record is only 2 show in a go. the first 2 shows just scare the hell out of me ESP CREEP....wah piang scared untill cannot... at least the Infection still not that scary... anyway this shows quite sucks coz after the show i didn't even know the story line at all... Creep's story line also catch no ball but i roughly know abit of the story line lah quite alot of intense parts.. me, Xuan & Minnie Mouse even scream few times xia...wahahaha... Wet Dream is kind of comedy lor... at least this show not horror movie then finally can buy pop corn inside... Lucky Billy never watch another horror movie again...if not i really will faint mind kept thinking about the Creep leh.... inside theres some disturbing scene lor... very grusome... halfway through the show make me wana puke xia....anyway thats how i spend my this year birthday... kind of boring but quite an experience lor...keke... the last 2 show not i cousin pay...haha...yeah... save $... anyway that is the birthday present he gave me...
I am glad that at least there's some people who accompany me for my birthday, i think the last 2 years birthday i was rotting at home i'm happy that i have accompany for my birthday....k lah...thats all for the updates... I really enjoyed myself... except the scary parts... Lastly THANKS again.... Night everyone.... Sweet dreamz....

Friday, April 22, 2005


23 years ago, there's this cute little girl born into this world. Her family consists of her parents and her elder brother. She rank second and being the youngest, her dad doted on her and her mum doted on her brother. She gre up with very little hair and her parents would put XO on her hair to make the hair grow more. She was born in the year of dog and her horoscope is taurus. She inherited part of her sturbborness through her mum coz she was born in the year of OX. She had very close kinship with her very cute cousins instead of her brother, should be the age gap, her brother was older than her by 4 years. They used to quarrel and fight with each other when they were young, she share a double decker bed with her brother, her brother sleeps on top and she sleeps below. Though they quarrel ofteh but there will be times that they talk in the middle of night on their own bed then will soon doze off.
You won't use pretty to describe her, so cute is the more appropriate word. Like every kids, she entered kindergarden, primary school, secondary school and finally ITE. The most memorable time during primary school had quite a few memory.
1) she like this guy alot since pri 1 to pri 6, she still remember his name (y.....g)
2) her classmate (T...M...) like this gal alot and now this gal is her Best Buddy.
3) there was this particular guy who sat near her, always disturb her and they actually attend the same tuition centre, then suddenly one day that guy told her, he like her and she was ... speechless and they didn't get together.
It was during secondary school that she really had some good buddies and that was the time she had her first & second love. Her first love was actually a disaster and broke off after one week. The second one was true love. So memorable yet heart breaking coz in the end they still went their separate ways though the girl really wants him back. She really loved him and she misses the kiss planted on her eyes & the hugs. And the breakup was sad coz during that period of time, the girl was dealing with her parents divorce, it was double blow to her and for 2 weeks she cried everyday at home and ended up quitting school . Though she lost her relationship, she had found even more important thing than relationship that is FRIENDSHIP. She had actually neglect her friends when she was dating that guy and her friends kind of distant her but she's glad that her friends were by her side when she really needed some support.
After ending her secondary life, she started working in a retail DIY store, after working 2 to 3 months full time, she convert to part time as she started schooling at ITE. The 3 years at ITE was very fun, she made some good friends and even till now they would meet up and la kopi. After she end her ITE life, she also quit her retail line after 4 years, the colleagues there she met was fun and take good care of her. Soon she found an office job and stayed for roughly 9 months, she is not really happy with the job and they kept changing the office, the last workplace is near Jurong port there. Walau... so damn far for the girl. Anyway after she quit that job, she was jobless for 7 months. After that she finally found a retail job again, selling sportswear. Though she don't really like the work but the colleagues were damn nice, fun loving and crazy, that's one of the reason she still stay put on the low income job.
There used to be this guy that she like at the tuition centre, he was very cute & naughty. Can be considered a trouble maker. Don't know whats the reason that attract him to her, she didn't tell him that she had feelings for him coz both are only 13 years old, still too young for all these stuffs. Though he live opposite her, but they never get to meet each other. 5 years later, they met each other at the bus stop. They exchanged numbers and the next day the guy called her up and chit-chat. After a few section of conversations, he suddenly pop up the question. 'Can you be my girlfriend'? During the times at tuition centre, he already liked her though the girl was very touched, but she didn't agree to let him enter her life. She actually thought that after such a long time, people can change and they didn't seem to have much common interest so even though she was moved by him, she rejected him. Haiz... the girl sometimes will wonder what it would be like if she accepted that guy... anyway is already in the past...

Dear All.... if you are my close friends you will know the girl inside the story is Me. This is the gift for myself this year, summarizing my 23 years of life. Thanks for all the sms i receive from my dear friends who wish me Happy Birthday! Really appreciate those who remember my birthday. Thank you.
Wishes for this year- 1) better health 2) better job 3) find a bf soon
today's entry is a very long one...hope your don't mind.... night my dears...& Happy Birthday to myself.

Remember one thing only: that it's you - nobody else - who determines your destiny and decides your fate. Nobody else can be alive for you; nor can you be alive for anybody else.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Early Celebration

HeHeHe.... had a very good day today... my sayangs Land & Siti had given me a surprise birthday celebration. Siti told me to go bank 1st before Land came in with the cake coz today she work afternoon shift.. then normally bank alot of people one lor..but today straight away go to the teller coz nobody leh then so very fast i reach back the shop liao and i saw the was meant to be a surprise i think but i saw it somehow...Land laugh untill cannot xia... so after that we took pics lor... cut cake.. c i can get Land to send me the pic then let your see. Land gave me a very pinky earings & a purplish necklace..THANKS i really like it & Siti gave me a pink sweet and nice to touch but the fur drops very kawaii ne... really appreciate the things your did for me, make me know that i'm being love & pampered... haha..i know i'm very pampered... the cake looks like the shape of lotus leh...wahaha...but Siti say look more like my face... +_+ the cake is so creamy... kind of full when i only eat 1 piece...haha...we even took photo with Ang Mo kids... is actually customer kids lah and the three kids was so kawaii ask their mum whether i can take photo with them she don't mind so we took quite a few pics with them... so ke ai leh...but the smallest boy is abit like monster leh, he mess up the clothes and we need to shift the clothes aside for him to lie at the naughty but he is really very cute so we kind of play with him...
early in the morning, saw the stege guy and our eyes met leh...wah piang so damn paisei xia...faster turn my head the other way... [butterflies inside my stomach] wahaha....
k lah thats all for today...abit short..keke...Take Care my FRIENDS...

I believe in angels,
The kind that heaven sends,
I am surrounded by angels,
But I call them friends.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

I swear

I swear from today onwards not to eat beef and food like frog wild food to say.... and please refrain me from all these food from now on... these sompa i swear it in front of god & if i eat it i will have to ... leh...well... i won't tell your what exactly did i say lah... so its a secret oh...oh gosh...i'm so tired now...well let me tell your what i did today.... early morning went to my aunt Pauline (sama name as me..wahaha) house get to buy some things then reach Balestier pray to Guan Yin first, after that walk down abit then pray Tua Pek Gong...after that went Sin Ming rd there pray my grandpa...first time this year go pray pray to him coz previously my family went but they didn't tell me they going so finally today i went to pray him, bought him a shirt, a watch and some $, i even told him that if he think not enough can appear in our dreams to tell us but hopefully he don't scare us lah...wahaha... some of my family members dreamt of hime before and my uncle even once felt his presence at old home (after my grandpa death, my unlce live alone at the old house then kena chase out lor, coz they got to tear down the blk and built a basketball court [somewhere near my house now] then that was the last day at the house and my uncle wake up very early to brush teeth then he felt something behind him so should be my grandpa, coz he actually don't wana move one lor, i heard from my aunt say they ask him to move before, that time he haven't pass away lah... he say he don't want...well... the old house brought alot of memories, half of my childhood happens at the house, i still remember how love grew large in that tiny house , how joy came to visit and decided to stay). talk to my aunt alot while waiting for the joss stick to burn for awhile before we could burn the things... my aunt told me alot of the times when they were small all these, coz my grandpa dote on my this aunt alot... so she told me alot of stories then at that point, tears were rolling in my eyes... i just miss my grandpa... he pass away at a very young age, 51, young right...i was in primary school at that time , maybe around pri 2 or 3 but i knew jolly well he won't be around anymore, i remember the day we receive the news was around morning time, my mum, my uncle & my aunties received calls and rush to the hospital but they didn't get to see him the last time... then it was when the day morning ard 8am i heard my brother crying on top (we share double decker bed, he sleeps on top) so i went to talk to him but he just burried himself under the blanket so i went to the living room and saw my mum crying, so i ask her what happened and she told me, after hearing the news i also end up crying on my bed... soon we were busy preparing the wake... still remember the last day of the wake..all of us cry very hard... esp when the coffin was push to the fire... all of us... were crying... i knew he's gone...forever... but he will always live inside our heart...FOREVER... we really miss him... i still remember i have seen my mum cry alone at night, i knew she miss my grandpa..though she was not his doted daughter, coz my mum is the eldest in the family so she actually had a very hard life... very little study and alot of work... i knew my mum loves his dad... writing this really makes me think of the past... so heart pain yet so deep inside my heart...though now i rarely had any image of my grandpa and his face seems so blur inside my mind but i knew i love him... frankly speaking now i sometimes complain to him that he is so favourtism (duno the spelling right nt) pian xin....coz every time i need to buah pue (the 2 red half cresent thing) he always dun let me have the "shen bei" that means i got to ask his consent whether he finish his food so that i can burn his things already, he always say no to me... like today also i ask him whether i can go burn his clothes already he say no twice...then my aunt try also no...surprisingly leh coz she my grandpa favourite, my grandpa still can say no... then you know what my aunt told me coz she say to my grandpa that the things is i bought one... so that means my grandpa don't like it izit....[angry]... then after that ok already i juz say...gong gong ni pian xin leh.... untill now i think i only got once that he gave me the shen bei only... pian xin rite... sometimes i just will grumble to him one... my grandpa also dote on my aunt's son Garrick... i think apart from my brother, my grandpa dote on him the most... then my aunt told me this funny thing today, she say there was once they came to pray to my grandpa then my aunt wants Garrick to buah pue then 1st try cannot then the 2nd time he told my grandpa this: gong gong, Favian (Garrick's smaller brother) very naughty one leh, he now alone at home, i got to hurry go back home and look after him, then shen funny..really works man...
i think i'm saying too much liao rite... k lah enough of it.... another time perhaps... oh ya...recently at night while sleeping, i've got very bad cramps on my leg... damn painful leh like my veins kena being pull like that...duno izit bcoz of the med i taking now...also very giddy these few days... haiz...what the hell man... ok thats all folks... oh ya... recently Land have being calling me little sweet, like the way she say sleep tight my little one or sleep early my little one....keke...
k lah...really thats all....nite my big or little ones.... +_+

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Yesterday a very funny thing happehed again....still remember my previous post about there's one customer want to match make her bro to Land??? yesterday morning she called & say thur she wants to bring her brother come to our shop pretend shopping with her then so that can let them meet at the most natural way and not making them paiseh.... i laugh untill cannot xia...coz Land dun want to meet guy like this type of match make...macham like she cannot find bf like that leh... poor Land...anyway i told her thur if they really come...i will sure run to the storeroom & laugh my hell out first....yah...I'm bad...but its just so funny lor.... Land still can say i can't imagine being relatives with Sally (the customer) i told Land...scarli that guy is her fate xia...she scold me...wahaha..really very funny lah... * I think that time i put the post & say the guy is ard 37 or 38 shld be wrong...think its 30,31 like that...ok...see tomorrow they will come not then i will update yr...interesting oh...looking forward...
Just now finally receive my Uncle Ben's email... that time i email him & tell him my illness... so finally replied le... he say i have shocked him...haha... I also shock myself loh...LOLz... he very sweet loh...coz he is now based @ Shanghai working then he gave me his hp no say i can give him a call or sms for support... =) thats my family... my cousins & family all quite worried about me...all saying anything must call or sms sweet loh... i just love my family...
k will update yr...maybe not tomorrow coz at nite I'm going out, but rest assured i will update yr...

Sunday, April 10, 2005


Yesterday my Sayang Juita last day... we went to eat steamboat @ Paya Lebar there, took some pictures then me & Land made a card for her... Haiz...kind of miss her leh... she gave us each a letter... =) so touching...esp the part she wrote: May there be a time, a place and a date till we meet again... sad right??? haiz...feel like crying xia... esp at that point where i read the letter at the bus stop, nearly cry out.. I will always miss you...
Today the new partimer came ( our shop duno change how many part timer liao, not that we mistreat them lah but all always student then need to go back school ) this new part timer Poly attachment, she staying @ Woodlands study @ Temasek...wah piang damn far xia...btu think got straight bus ok lor..She's a malay. Very quiet lor. Didn't really talk much to her..duno wat to say man...haiz...think she will be here for 3 months...then she will be the longest part timer here..wahaha.. today's dinner is Pizza Hut...Yummy...very long never eat pizza liao... today i saw job vacany @ S & K leh...don't know want to go try not leh...the pay very tempting leh...senior sales coordinator $1600 leh...high right?? wana go try?? haiz...Xuan tell me to go try she say no harm rite? anyway its free...hahaha she geting more cute xia...Just now after work, Land & me try the Nike new launch app & take photo...haha..damn funny see i can get her to send me the pic not..then i upload @ friendster..not here lor..still can't figure up hw to upload photo here...
Ah...yest nite i went took cab with Land after our steam boat then the cab driver damn funny leh...crap alot xia... say Land & me sweet...wahaha.. Land told him " Uncle today u eat alot of sweet hor." funny then after i drop off first then the uncle told Land that he want to intro his son to her...but pity her son abit young... i laugh out xia..recently alot of people want to match make her leh... i got this regular customer that day came down want to look for Land then that time, she went Suntec help out new store then she went down to find Land leh, say she want to intro her brother to her but he's a bit old lor...38 yrs old, older than Land ard 10 yrs old... OPS Land I'm sorry to let out yr age...wah piang i laugh untill cannot xia... Land say dun want lor then the customer say want to intro to me (LOL) then Land told her i very young only lor...wah piang...this customer very cute still can say her bro not damn funny...think next time she come i will start laughing out loud
K lah...enough of today...nitey & take good care my friends...

You don't marry someone you live with,
you marry the person who you cannot live without.

My Name

Juz now check out on Jenny's blog and found the web link of this...Thanks Jelly Bean. +_+
Check it out...

Description of Your First Name of: Pauline
Although the name Pauline creates idealism and the urge to help others, we emphasize that it causes a superior, interfering expression whose favorite expression is "I know." This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the nervous system, worry, and mental tension.

Your name of Pauline contains many fine qualities: musical and artistic ability, good business judgment, and a sense of responsibility for the welfare of others. This makes you warm-hearted and understanding in your response to the needs and interests of those around you. You are always ready to help those in less fortunate circumstances. Your insistence on becoming involved in the affairs of others can cause them to regard you as interfering, even though you are only trying to help. A weakness lies in the fact that you are deeply affected through your feeling for others and could suffer through worry and disturbed thoughts over matters that you can do nothing about.

Some quite true leh..haha..

Think big thoughts but relish small pleasures.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

What I Wish I'd Known Sooner

Friends...have a look at this, its kinda make sense...enjoy...

Don't let your life wait for other people.
Don't ever fall in love with someone who is more than one thousand miles away from you. It usually doesn't work.
If it hurts, DON'T DO IT AGAIN!
That which does not kill you will ultimately make you stronger.
Zits always pop up when you really can't afford for them to pop up.
While driving a car through a gate, always, ALWAYS make sure the gate is open! The consequences might be fatal to your car.
If you're not living (I mean really living), you're dead already.
Just because someone flirts with you incessantly doesn't necessarily mean he or she likes you.
Sometimes smart people can do very, very stupid things.
Being nice to people will get you far.
The person you can truly love is often right in front of you.
Nothing is ever too good to be true.
Parents aren't around forever, and you need to treasure them while they are.
Think carefully before you act.
Dreaming and doing go hand in hand.
Life moves fast, but not so fast that you can't slow down to enjoy it.
Instead of waiting for life to get better, do something about it.
If your intuition is telling you not to do something, then don't. Your intuition is not stupid!
If he doesn't respect you, then he's not worth any of your time.
Hair is flammable. Very flammable.
Someday you will look back on this and it will all seem funny.
You never know when you're making a memory.
The heart does heal and you will love like this again - except that when you do, you'll deny that you ever loved like this before.
Nothing matters if you don't have loved ones to share it with. Your siblings are incredibly precious. If you don't know this now, you will - trust me!
If you can laugh at yourself, you are going to be fine.
If you allow others to laugh with you, you'll be great!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I went for an interview today...

Today i went for an interview, recommend by my Sayang Siti...she knew the boss of a jewellery shop then yest she went to the interview, i went today, located near Aljunied mrt so its very near my house. I actaully arrange for the interview on 10am lor then guess what??? I wake up @ 10am sumore is the lady call me then i still sleeping and I don't even know its 10am until she ask me what time is the interview I say 10 am then she say anyway now its 10am then i was like so SHOCK.... then she ask me to come any time by 6pm I wake up then rush abit.. then i reach there ard 11am coz i took cab there... then i reach there fill up the application form then the lady interview me talk about their job scope then when we want to talk about the pay she went inside the boss room to see how much they can pay me then the lady come out say let me talk to another lady about another work that is to sell STOCKINGS...i was like HUH??? nearly fainted leh...what sell stockings??? stocking need salesgirl wan meh??? so damn funny, I told Lin & Xuan and they also find it very funny xia... lucky today i never confirm I want to work xia... tomorrow i will call them & reject loh. like waste my time xia... then after the interview I went to meet Minnie Mouse, my cousin's gf coz my cousin's name is Micky so I call her gf Minnie Mouse...keke...nice name leh... I promise to accompany her go Queensway buy 1 Nike shoe then finally today we went... then after that go Outram bought 2 cds, one is by Norah Jones another one is Fish Leong then after that we wnet OG shopping... I manage to bought 1 shorts, very active type of shorts for $15, quite a good catch..hehe..Minnie Mouse bought some things too...quite nice shopping with her, our first time go out together..keke...she chio me go clubbing on thur but I going out on fri night quite broke liao so maybe next time ba... +_+ then after that we took train home so i drop off first @ Toa Payoh she drop off @ Sembawang. I went Toa Payoh TS bought a Taiwan drama, cheap xia...$12 for a whole set of show, actually wanted to buy it long ago but so ex xia... the title is Young Cappuccino..i very excited that its so cheap so buy it...aiyo....don't know nice not leh... I always buy vcd very "chong dong" want...keke..
Die lah...I have do my Sayangs card, intend to make card for my colleagues but i only left with 3 days to finish 3 card leh...hw??? aiyo...must stop all my net & vcds liao...haha...

If I can stop one Heart from breaking
I shall not live in vain
If I can ease one Life the Aching
Or cool one in Pain
Or help one fainting Robin
Unto his Nest again
I shall not live in Vain.

If I had a single flower
Whenever I think of you
I would walk a garden of flowers

Sunday, April 03, 2005


Friendship is like the breeze,
You can't hold it,
Smell it,
Taste it,
Or know when it's coming,
But you can always feel it,
And you'll always know it's there,
It may come and then go,
But you can know it'll always be back.

Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars.

The best and most beautiful things in life cannot be seen or even touched... they must be felt with the heart.