Saturday, September 17, 2005

One year eight months

One year eight months. Next month will be exactly 1 yr 8 mths ever since i started working this company, during these times, i met very wonderful colleagues, friends & customers of coz not forgeting some irritating colleagues cum customers, but i have to agree the happy times spent here is really unforgetable and happy and really i think i won't be able to meet so nice colleagues ever already. Actually abit couldn't break the news to my manager but end up he didn't f me, he's glad that i have found a better job so that makes me happy. Ah... don't know can attend the D&D or not... i really wish to go leh... =.(
I really couldn't bear to leave my Dear colleagues leh, have to pray that my last day here i wouldn't flood the shop. Will gonna miss them like hell. Thinking back the times spent here, individual moments with each of them will send tears bluring my vision.
Land, Sena, Siti, Fee, Juita, Fanice, Lena, Reia, Jaslyn, Sharifah, Shera, James, Eric & Stephanine.
Each of them played a very important part for me, i knew i have learnt a lot from them.
Thanks for all the memories, i will surely think of your alot on my new job, hope that makes me going, your will be the strength for me when i'm on the new job.
Friends Forever ^0^

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