Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Finally... the long awaited call came ringing today... Wow.. i was already like nearly forgot this whole thing then they call me. Army called me up today say my thing is already in process already, ask me when i can go down to sign the contract. Oh gosh... i already plan my things nice nice already then they call me, WTF man... Anyway i nearly spoil the whole thing but luckily manage to save the situation. I'm going down today (14/9) to sign the thing then i hope they could let me start work on the 1st Nov so that i can at least attend my Company's D&D next month... I really wish to attend the D&D with my dear colleagues and it will be the last gathering liao, so i really hope i can go. I'm very scared and confused actually coz i really don't know whether i'm doing the right thing. Let's hope everything goes smooth & well.
AH... so tired today... wake up so early today, tmr also got to wake up so early. got to sleep earlier later. will update again on how's the contract thing, got to go polish my nails...hehe. Buen Camino.

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