Thursday, September 01, 2005

Few days ago, I was on the phone talking to 1 of my colleague at work, first time talk to her for so long, we didn't really know each other well though, only sometimes joke over the phone. Surprisingly she told me some hidden secrests. haha. Anyway after the talk with her makes me realize something. Hmmm... that is....
I really love my colleagues a lot. haha. I often tell my friends, the only reason that made me stay in this job is not the pay, is not the work but... the colleagues. I don't think ever in my working life will there be any colleagues like them. Anyway I'm glad in a way that the Army haven't reply to my final application, so that I can stay here longer. I really can't imagine the day if I were to leave them. I would sure be very lost.
Today went to office with Fanice, she told me she and her boyfriend is saving $ to get married. Ah... so good. I'm so glad that my Darling Sena is getting engeged next month and Fanice is starting to plan her marriage. Ah.. so envious. It's just so good to have someone by your side and having the same thought of marriage. For my opinion, when the guy really thought of marriage, that means he really love the girl and will want to be by her side forever, don't you think its romantic?
Ah... how I wish someone would propose to me now...hahaha...and of coz not bad looking guy la...wahahaha. My ideal marriage age is around 26-28, will I be able to fulfil this dream? (praying hard)
Many loves to my Darling colleagues & friends.... night

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