Sunday, September 17, 2006

Tmr is the start of my new work, hopefully all goes well & hopefully i can stay long for this job, hope colleagues & environment suits me(I'm praying~~~)
Tmr is also Janice first day of new work too, haha, both of us tmr 1st day of new work but at least her workplace got friend she knew, my one don't have coz I'm in diff location with Ting, she in Chai Chee, i'm in Dobhy Ghaut +____+ Lin changing new job too, starting new work next mth, Jenny also just started new work, Ting also started DBS not long, haha... the job-hop trend...keke...I have been to Bugis for 3 days since fri, fri nite went steamboat with my colleagues, sat went bugis with Janice & meet Lin, Ting & Jenny at night, today went with my mum & Aunt, so tired...thought can at least let me have a rest in the end also went out...
all right shall faster blog & get to bed soon, duno can sleep tonight or not...

To Ting~~~
I just wana say Thank you for alot of things, never really had a chance to do so...^0^

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