Saturday, September 09, 2006

Alright...I couldn't really sleep well last night, even after having my flu med still couldn't really knock me down, my mind was all about the airport scenes, haha... and wondering where did they go after check in the hotel, so just saw from forum that they went MOS... oh gosh... they juz loves to club so much man... heard they try to shake off the fans & they bring them night tour naughty of them...i'm so envious of those fans that can see them so close up, i also wana see my Sungie close up, everyone was talking abt hw handsome he look...AW... tmr's the concert...FINALLY... but kind of sad again coz after the concert nothing much to look forward & my new job is staring soon and i'm kind of scare abt the new job leh...
this week eveytime i watch animal planet Steve Irwin's show, duno why my tears just start dropping, such a nice person to have gone like this... haiz.. this week my mood is really like roller coaster
had a nap ^0^ this week is so busy...
Goanna Bang at the concert tmr~~~woohooooo.....

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