Thursday, September 28, 2006

Finally into 2nd week of work, time passed by so fast and TGIF tmr...yeah...hehe... i'm getting more adapted to my workplace already except job scope wise still the same, doing backlogs, these 2 days have been calling up lawyer firms to chase docu, so xian... some secretary is nasty...hehe My colleagues is nice, lucky me...hehe...
Ok...i very lazy to go back edit Shinhwa pics, so gonna post here... thanks Xuan for uploading pics...

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Me & Janice taking photo while waiting for Shinhwa oppa to arrive at airport...

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Actually this was suppose to be a very good shot, coz can see my Sungie Darling... but STUPID FLASHLIGHT...i can so kill myself man... see they were walking right in front of us...

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A glimpse of JunJin, the one in red

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My concert tic & Orange neon light stick

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Janice & my tics...

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Before concert, photo snapping moments~~~

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View from my seat...they look tiny...

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Hyesung solo - same thoughts

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After concert, on the way home... miss our oppas... gosh, 1 mth of anticipating, over in a night... +_____+ when are they coming back???

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My supper ^0^ my favourite "Ah Ni noodles" at my house here, this noodles from my parents generation till now, still surviving though standard drop slightly but still very nice... i always eat kway teow extra spicy... the chilli is my favourite... woohoo...*gosh... craving for it now* anyway it only sell at night, start ard 10+pm till 7+ or 8+ in the morning...weekend always long q wan...

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