Tuesday, July 14, 2009

i left out something funny on the previous entry dinner incident, lol
as my camera had already died before Disney fireworks, so only left Jin's camera to take photo for dinner, actually hers also low batt when we reached dinner place, thn when we wanted to take pic with the food, we pass the camera to the staff there, Jin's camera LCD gt a big spot, which is abit hard to ignore, so the staff was like asking us why got the big spot there, thn we was thinking faster take pic leh, wana low batt liao leh, walau still talk rubbish to us, thn while he was talking, he said no image already, walau... the camera died... ARGH...
if he had not ask us why the camera like that, we would have taken the pic liao lor, thn we both totally was like ""-_-""
so angry man.. haiz... we just took too much photo at Disney liao

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