Friday, July 10, 2009

Great... my family doc remember my name.

i have been so sick so sick this week that i went to see my family doc for 3 times this week, started off with gastric flu, menses cramp and now asthma again =(
gt difficulty breathing this 2 nights, so i went company doc this morning, actually before i went to see doc, i had taken my asthma med, but ran out of med, so intend to go take med anyway, so doc did say my airway abit tight, gave me med and i ask for inhaler as well, asked him whether i can take both inhaler & oral med together, he said it's ok.

so i went back office took the asthma med, during lunch i felt giddy, breathless, hand shaking, heart beat very fast and no appetite liao, start to burp again, shit...
went back office told the ladies i wana go home see doc, so went to see my family doc, he said it's the side effects of the med, too strong for me already, he asked me why my co doc nvr gave me mc, i was like -__-"
so he told me to cut down the asthma med frm 2 to 1 and instead of 3 times a day to 1 or 2 times a day, told him i start to burp like gastic flu again, and he said it's the asthma med side effects, and since i just gt gastic flu, so it became more sensitive, and the med makes my throat dry also.
doc said i will have abit difficulty sleeping today also... haiz, just nw whn i nap, i already use a much longer time to get to sleep coz of my heart beating so fast
and he told me the inhaler & oral med cannot use both together, as it is same med and will be too strong, walau eh...

haiz... i hate the feeling of the giddyness, breathless, hand shaking & the fast heartbeat, i felt like i was going to die man...really scary lor thn duno izit h1n1 too ='( coz h1n1 also gt difficulty to breathe symptons, haiz.... a bad week for me....

before i left the clinic, i told the doc, i hope not to see you again... lol
pray i can get full recovery before the new week...
gd nite...

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