Tuesday, May 05, 2009

having a great companion to ktv & movie just makes me feel alot better yesterday...

went to amk kbox, and while singing halfway, 2 staff came in and said there's a game session with customer, if the staff win, we will have to take photo and pay $2 for the photo and if we win, there will be free drink per customer, so we both think why not? haha.. so janice let me play with 1 of the staff, oh.. we play cards and simply see who gets the bigger card... and so i go first and get a 5 the staff got a 3... LOL... i win... YEAH...
so total we have 3 drinks... OMG...

did not have too much voice left to sing, so we went off at 6+ and did some window shopping before watching 7.10pm 252 Signal of Life, nice jmovie, teared abit at the ending... HAHA... someone cried too..hehe..
after movies faster rush to ntuc to get sweet for John... haha...

passed the sweets to John this morning, haha.. he knew i got him sweets coz i ask him to guess what i got him... haha...

upload pics after i get home... keke...
stupid hp cable can't find it this morning...
so sleepy...
togi later =) yum yum

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