Monday, May 11, 2009


fri 8 May
went singpost straight after work since hua asked me to go collect my lappy before mtg her if nt too rush liao, reached there and was told my lappy still not in yet... WTF... i even asked the guy that called me, is my lappy at singpost paya lebar liao, he say YAH... KNN... anyway went to the counter to personalize my stamp, waited for ard 1 min or so, nobody came up, so fine.... i just left coz hua is waiting for me... i kind of had enough of the service at singpost paya lebar... SUCKS TO THE CORE

met hua to go T3 for popeye... hehe.. ordered a 2 pc chicken meal with a large mashed potato... so freaking full, after that went bedok walk around and find a shw i wanted to buy thn head to the market for dessert, freaking full lor... ate till i tink my tummy wana burst liao... LOL

sat 9 May
nap from 1+ all the way till 6+
HAHA... i had a good sleep lor... SHIOK

sun 10 May
do laundry, online, play Bejeweled Blitz in FB... haha.. yeah.. my score beat serene ang's one... WOOHOO

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