Wednesday, May 27, 2009

conversation that happened this morning.
john sent email to his buyer to inform his leave from tomorrow onwards, thn someone was asking him go where? he wanted to spell koala bear but do not know so he asked me.

j: pauline, how to spell koala bear? izit COLLA
p: (upon hearing CO i burst out laughing liao) what CO? you wana drink coke?
j: how to spell la...
p: KO la...
j: oh... so is KOLLA ah?
p: LOL again... i din notice how he spell the back at the begining coz i was concentrating on the CO this 2 words... i laugh until tears come out lor...
j: (laughing also) so funny meh?
p: ya la... so freaking funny lor....

thn after awhile i told him rem to bring kangaroo back for me... haha... thn he say so kangaroo is spelt as CANgaroo izit?
me: LOL again...
he purposely spelt wrongly but its so freaking funny lor...
i told him to hide into kangaroo's pocket if he loses in boxing with the kangaroo

gona miss his crap these few days man...

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