finally got back my lappy and i didn't even step back to singpost..
intend to collect my lappy on thur after work, thn thur noon i gt a phone call frm HP, my lappy is still at HP, nt singpost.. walau.. abit fed up, anyway the lady is nice to offer to deliver the lappy, and i asked her do i need to pay, she say since its under warranty, no charges at all, so happy, so my laptop was delivered to my office on fri noon =)
nt feeling well yest, my chest hurt.. it hurt when i breathe too hard and cough too hard, so i went back to the doc, i went to see co doc on wed as the flame inside my throat very long liao... i tot it was the med that made me like tat, in the end the doc say its my asthma... my airway is too tight so i feel abit pain on my chest =(
actually this is not the 1st time i encounter this problem =(
doc gave me mc but i still work as usual as i need to wait for my lappy to arrive and after work i'm mtg hua for dinner, after lunch take the med, walau, abit too strong, my body feels abit weak, no energy like that but i still hang on tight.. LOL.. duno why.. anyway yest quite tiring... but i din have a nice sleep last night and i woke up early today =( din even nap today also.. so sad
my chest no longer feel stuffy & pain liao.. the med is taking it down =)
frankly speaking, duno why but i dun feel like admitting i gt asthma.. dun ask me why..
so sad that my body system is just so weak... my thyroid just got better and nw i got asthma
haiz... why does all this just falls on me???
i wonder...