it's mild persistent... so xian man
the nurse there taught me hw to use the pump bt i abit like not serious... gues i was too tired today... duno y so freaking tired.. some more nearly can't wake up, maybe dreaming whole night? maybe my nose was blocked the whole night? i duno...thn my colleagues was asking me y i so bad mood in the morning.. i'm fine just VERY TIRED...
anyway back to seeing doc.. before i went to the doc room i took my test 1st... need to blow something & kept blowing for at least 7 sec and i cannot breathe in air... wah piang so damn difficult lor.. few tries & i got the technique but i was so breathless after few tries till the comp even prom out that patient might be fatique due to many attempts.. me & the nurse laugh out xia... so after few tries the nurse say ok thn ask me to inhale the medicine into my lungs... another difficult thing coz all is so new to me... thn i finally inhale liao ask me to rest for 15mins thn take again the blow thingy... the 2nd time i went in just sit down the door open & a young male nurse asked whether want him to take over, lucky the nurse say no need... then he went off, i told the nurse lucky u say no need if not got a guy here so paisei lor... hahaha... we kept laughing inside the small room lor... so finally all is over & came out of the lab room feeling so drenched out... too much inhaling & blowing then went to see doc... aiyo.. i can't stand the doc leh... so girly, wondering is he a gay? hehe naughty me... then he kept after every sentence say u understand what i said? so freaking irritating...
haiz... so xian... nxt mth i got 2 medical appt... 1 for my thyroid and 1 for asthma... wah piang really wasting my leave man...
just watched finished ISWAK2 epi 14, aw... i shed tears when zhishu said 1 sentence on the ship when he went to serve army, he was missing xiang qin...
WOW... this sentence just touched deep down my heart...
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