Met Lin to go body shop sales at suntec, aiyo, whole day shop non-stop & my pocket now a big hole
had lunch at pasta waraku, our 1st time there... not bad... we ordered the half half set, include soup, salad, pizza & pasta for $16.80
nursed our stomache & we went shop around at ms awhile and i bought 2 top $45
then head to body shop sales... wah piang we q for ard 10mins to get in lor... i spent $75 lor...
my damage~~ i already tried my best to control myself lor...
saw another sales at suntec & went to have a look, bought choc, 2 for $13
then we decided to head off to chinatown, while walking to the mrt we saw contact lens solution booth, so Lin bought, its $19 but look so many free things, 2 extra solutions & 2 tissue box, so i bought also...haha... came home & found i only left with the small bottle of solutions... haha.. lucky~
me & Lin today very tired and we saw the massage shop & Lin wanted to have foot massage, but i dun wan, i hate foot massage, its so damn painful... so i tried the detox foot spa...
it started like this
and end up like this... so scary... haha.. but duno really it's that great or not lor... can't feel anything except some dead skin came off lor... haha
really damn tired today coz thur nite reached home so late then fri went work like a zombie, the tiredness continue today also & my contact lens on the right side is giving me problems, my eyes is so tired~~ and the things i bought today is so damn heavy... really scary lor spent so much today... but its still quite worth it..hehe
Congrats to you! =)
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