Monday, November 12, 2007

Sometimes i just love to hear the conversation between my colleagues... is just so funny.
We were talking about 1 of my salesman who don't really like western food coz they were discussing about the high tea snack for the coming exhibition.

Chris: Eh John, you like muffin?

J: Walau, no lah, i prefer chinese "huat kuay" 发糕

All: LOL, even my big boss inside his room overheard our conversation & he laughed too.

Then Chris told me an incident that happened quite long ago while they were at a restaurant.

C: Eh, wana eat the potato skin?

J: Walau, what so nice to eat? Chinese people throw away the skin & your eat it? Whats so nice about the skin, so rough.

Me: Laugh like hell...

i almost die laughing at work today... so funny haha

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