Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Had a satisfied nap today... so chilly weather to sleep also..hehe shiok de la..

went amk after my pm leave... went to buy my shampoo & check my starhub mobile ac...coz recently my hp got lots of problem, tot of changing my hp but my 2 mobile plan still under contract, just then i rec'd starhub letter saying my hp can upgrade after 12 mths & when i upgrade, they can waive off the $100, so excited so i went amk hub starhub to check, yes i can upgrade w/o having to pay $100 coz i'm a hub club member...hehe.. the good thing is if i upgrade my hp, the 2 yr contract start fresh on the day i upgrade w/o the xtra mths left... so good ne..

btw the starhub mobile line is not mine.. is Chunju one...since she still wana hold on to the line then i can happily go upgrade my phone le..hehe.. got model on my mind le... and some more i use my rewads point to redeem *hub $50 voucher... hehe...nw waiting for my voucher to arrive then i can go buy my hp le... yeah yeah actually i don't have enough points to redeem but since Ah ju don't even know the starhub points exists, i told her i transfer her point to mine...hehe.. we both hv around 1100 points, the voucher is 1700 so i need her points to get my voucher...happy =)

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