Monday, May 28, 2007

没有做工的日子好幸福啊。今天就是在家里洗衣服,看戏,前两天睡的好好噢,所以今天没睡午觉,在看 online drama, 在看 Eric 的新戏 - Quee Sera Sera,啊。。。他怎么看都好有 Charisma 噢,真是帅到不行的咯, hehe. Oh yah, in case this week if your msg me & i return msg quite late, don't be too hp on holiday too...haha... not spoil but i tune to silent mode...

在想那个人这个礼拜没看到我在巴士站,会想我吗?哈哈,不要脸。Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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