Wednesday, May 02, 2007


I'm resigning, got a job interview today & it was confirmed on the spot...that was fast & i didn't expect they will hire me lor... it's an electronics co, small family business but they do have co in Malaysia too... and some more it's walking distance frm my home, ard 15 mins of walk... wehehe... can save $ le and walk to work to keep fit...kekeke but it's industrial area lor...that's the xian part...

I went to take mc today, keke, actually i was abit sick lah, got block nose at nite, dry flu, so scared can't get mc then i went there & saw Dr Lo, the guy doc, was glad to see him, he's very friendly, the other lady doc not so nice...then told him my symptoms & he measured my temp, amazingly i was having fever too, i dun even know lor...juz tot very cold only coz of the unstopping rain other than that i felt ok... but near to afternoon i can feel my heat climbing up, my cheek & forehead is slightly hot, so after the interview scheduled at 2pm, reached hm is near to 3pm, talked to Serene & was busy smsing then 4+ i nap for awhile, could't really slept well coz the kids was playing at the coridor, so noisy...

Abit scared to throw the letter tmr... haiz...duno wat they will say, my colleagues was all shock that i got the job so fast...haha... oh gosh... i'm tired now...

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