Thursday, May 31, 2007

I'm stinky today
The culprit...
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slack at Weijie's house today... pass him the jap drama & his 21st photo, and play with Nini...finally she know how to bark le, haha... she totally lost control when we let her out...really like wat Jie say, "xiao gia", she bite my hand, my hair, my pant, scratch me but i still love this devil...
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so cute de lor...
slack ard 3 hr at Jie's house then we head to AMK hub, shop & have dinner, muhaha, finally had my Mos, craving it since yest.
yest met Lin & Jenny for dinner then went chill at Cityspace, woohoo... view is spectacular
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3 Cinderella
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Spamming @ toilet...
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

无 法 抗 拒

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Monday, May 28, 2007

没有做工的日子好幸福啊。今天就是在家里洗衣服,看戏,前两天睡的好好噢,所以今天没睡午觉,在看 online drama, 在看 Eric 的新戏 - Quee Sera Sera,啊。。。他怎么看都好有 Charisma 噢,真是帅到不行的咯, hehe. Oh yah, in case this week if your msg me & i return msg quite late, don't be too hp on holiday too...haha... not spoil but i tune to silent mode...

在想那个人这个礼拜没看到我在巴士站,会想我吗?哈哈,不要脸。Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Finally there goes another end of my chapter & i'm starting another chapter of my life soon.

It's kind of sad leaving the familiar place, those familiar but life goes on isn't it...

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with Julie & Huihui at NYDC

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Poor Angelia, she can't smile coz of her new braces...

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With Lian Jie~~

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With Haslinda at the counter

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With Sabariah at the counter

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With Yan~~ stupid ah man at the back

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With Liayana

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With Jerry yong not yan...hehehe

the farewell gifts...
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This whole week was crazy for me...almost everyday after work i'm mtg someone...
Mon - Janice for dinner
Tue - Lin & Jenny for dinner
Wed - Siew Hua for dinner
Thur - with my colleagues for dinner & movie(Pirates of the Caribbean)
Fri - half day work & home sweet home...damn tired

Haiz...Pirates was abit letdown, i don't know if its i'm just too tired or wat but it's just not as nice, certain part alot of talking but part certain part was funny...

Just wana thanks my colleague for the love & support they given me, i'm glad they are part of my life journey, take good care...i'm gonna miss your...

Thursday, May 17, 2007


我非常不了解自己耶。这几天我的心情很低落,也不知道是因为什么,是不是犹豫症啊? 就是非常想躲在自己的世界里,没人进的来,我也不想出不去。有时我看似漠不关心一些事, 并不表示我真的不关心,只是有时很难表达自己。我承认我的脾气不是很好,所以非常感谢了解我,包容我的朋友。


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Woo... i'm counting down to my last day...kind of sad... haiz...time juz pass by so fast. i'm so tired this week... can't wait for my 1 week holiday...hehehe...


Monday, May 14, 2007

11/5/07 Fri Aloha Loyang
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outside view
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the garden
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the rooms
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living room
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being exposed...
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me & Gennis
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she's either interested in our foot or our shoe...
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sniff sniff...
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i wana drown myself
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Mummies favourite past-time
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ice-cream cake
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Happy Birthday to U
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The Chopper...hahaha
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Mum's celebrating advance mother's day & birthday, cake sponsored by me...
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mic, me & aunt
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Me with birthday boi...ops... perhaps man i should say...
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brotherly love
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I love this pic... dun ask me why...maybe i look sleepy =)
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Friday, May 11, 2007

Just came back from Weijie's chalet. Woo... the chalet is damn big lor... macham like private property lor... my first time at Aloha Loyang. there were 4 rooms and in each room there's toilet lor... 2 room with queen size bed, 2 room with 2 single bed, big rite... there's living room, garden etc..I guess today the limelight isn't Weijie, is his baby, Gennis, Aigoo...she is such a cutie lor... everyone's attention is to her... and i admit i adore her so much that i wana kidnap her...she is so hyper lor, the whole afternoon we were playing with her...she loves to bite our foot...haha...i gave her a nickname - Ah Biu~~ she got tummy...hehehe...
Other than that nothing really very interesting...we really just relax over there lor... got one funny incident.. Jie's bd cake was ice cream cake but they didn't really let it cool down abit so when they try to cut the cake, was too hard, and his friend use alot of strength, the knife broke, wahaha..i was there to witness this incident, so damn funny lor... in the end guess what they use? Chopper....hahahaha

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She is sleeping...too tired le...

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Me & Jin... so nice to catch up after so long~~

Some photos have yet to be uploaded... stay tune...