Sunday, August 07, 2005

so stress today... today Land off, Eric last min say he took urgent leave not coming. lucky today sales still not bad if not... Ah... tak boleh tahan man... hopefully the Army faster reply me then i can get out of here, really feeling very stress up. Luckily Yang today called me up and talk with me if not i sure go crazy...
Recently bought a new bag and i like it very much...hehe..and so cheap 12 bucks only, Xuan bought a same one too but different colour.
Oh yah... good news to share, I have stop my Thyroid med liao, the doc say its improving so stop it but still have to moniter lor, still got to go back take blood test, so hopefully its fully cure.
Aiyo... sore throat again... dread it...
Night my angels. *______*

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