Wednesday, January 14, 2009

freaking huge crackers from John

ah... finally its near to CNY, i hope CNY come faster so i can go BKK liao... hehehe...

this yr 1st day of CNY, we won't be going to grandma's house as usual, grandpa (hm... nt my real grandpa, my grandma remarried) passed away last week.
Uncle Ben is back for CNY this year, so we will be heading to his crib instead.
OH... so boring new year... haiz... our office will resume on fri 30 Jan, gota deduct 2 days leave... damn sick... haiz... wat to do right?
1 whole week of slacking... great, i can eat & sleep the whole week, i think after my BKK trip i will be damn round leh.... HOW?? argh... i still ordered new year goodies for myself lor - bah kwa... hohoho... chilli flavor and cornflake cookies... hahaha...

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