Saturday, January 31, 2009

after so many yrs, i finally gambled in office yesterday... haha gambling start ard 11am and end at 6pm... so damn long lor... haha.. bt i start gambling only ard 4+, din intend to play coz this year "fan tai sui" and i haven go pray, some more i dun really have "pian cai yun" so i tend to not gamble one lor... bt really damn hand itchy lor.. haha

begining i lost 6 bucks bt lucks came later on and eventually i won $11, hahaha... my bet is the smallest lor, my colleagues they all bet $5, $10 & $20, i bet only $1, hahaha... thn we gt this game rule when the "banker" got 15 points, the game can be forefeited (this rule only applied when john is the banker) i gt black jack twice lor, bt stupid john gt 15 points thn kena forefeited, so damn angry till the 2nd time i throw the card at him, hahaha, anyway nt only me la, my other colleagues also kena, we all damn angry xia... hahaha

thn when the last game, i bet $2 and guess what?? i gt black jack, hahaha... POWER =) it's fun xia.. all totally no mood to work yest, hahaha...

my home pc duno why can't access to photobucket >___<>

finally gt the makeover pics =) nice

why is my left eye twitching & twitching today???

6 more days =)

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