Wednesday, January 21, 2009

conversation with mum today

me: mi... 初一去 Uncle Ben 家吃什么?

mum: 放心啦,我跟你 aunty 会煮啦,煮了拿去 uncle 家,去 uncle 那里煮饭 lor, 不懂 uncle 家的饭锅可不可以用,不可以我们煮面吃啦,maggi mee

me: HUH? 叫我初一吃 maggi mee? 长这么大,第一次初一吃 maggi mee lor


me: ......

this year 1st day of CNY will be at Uncle Ben's crib, Grandpa passed away recently so won't be heading to Grandma's house like usual so i'm quite worried on what to eat in Uncle Ben's house, so i called mum up and ask, the reply is so funny lor, can't stand her...

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