Saturday, January 31, 2009

after so many yrs, i finally gambled in office yesterday... haha gambling start ard 11am and end at 6pm... so damn long lor... haha.. bt i start gambling only ard 4+, din intend to play coz this year "fan tai sui" and i haven go pray, some more i dun really have "pian cai yun" so i tend to not gamble one lor... bt really damn hand itchy lor.. haha

begining i lost 6 bucks bt lucks came later on and eventually i won $11, hahaha... my bet is the smallest lor, my colleagues they all bet $5, $10 & $20, i bet only $1, hahaha... thn we gt this game rule when the "banker" got 15 points, the game can be forefeited (this rule only applied when john is the banker) i gt black jack twice lor, bt stupid john gt 15 points thn kena forefeited, so damn angry till the 2nd time i throw the card at him, hahaha, anyway nt only me la, my other colleagues also kena, we all damn angry xia... hahaha

thn when the last game, i bet $2 and guess what?? i gt black jack, hahaha... POWER =) it's fun xia.. all totally no mood to work yest, hahaha...

my home pc duno why can't access to photobucket >___<>

finally gt the makeover pics =) nice

why is my left eye twitching & twitching today???

6 more days =)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

New year mood is here when i see this

hohohoho... well only bah kwa & 1 cornflake cookie is mine, the others are to give away =)

loots from JB on Xmas day





my ice cream phone
well... the LED abit blur, it's YUN btw...

gifts frm ah hua, chris & ceci during their trip

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

conversation with mum today

me: mi... 初一去 Uncle Ben 家吃什么?

mum: 放心啦,我跟你 aunty 会煮啦,煮了拿去 uncle 家,去 uncle 那里煮饭 lor, 不懂 uncle 家的饭锅可不可以用,不可以我们煮面吃啦,maggi mee

me: HUH? 叫我初一吃 maggi mee? 长这么大,第一次初一吃 maggi mee lor


me: ......

this year 1st day of CNY will be at Uncle Ben's crib, Grandpa passed away recently so won't be heading to Grandma's house like usual so i'm quite worried on what to eat in Uncle Ben's house, so i called mum up and ask, the reply is so funny lor, can't stand her...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

i got people to start watching Boys over flowers... hohoho and they love it =)
cheers to the F4

Friday, January 16, 2009

today's lunch damn funny lor, i kept laughing non stop xia....

john bought us to eat chap cai peng, thn i ordered lala, the guy gave me a small plate of lala, thn lily also ordered lala, thn we ask john take our lala eat la... thn we all eat liao, duno why john wana ordered another plate, so ask lily go buy coz he said the guy gave ladies more, so lily went buy thn going to finish liao, john say buy another plate leh.. kept asking me buy.. i damn paisei lor, i kept laughing thn lily turn to that guy then hand signal 1 more plate, thn when lily went to take the lala, the guy then told lily can we sit down & eat peacefully, coz he nw having lunch... wahaha, thn when going to finish they still can say, they can still eat lala leh... kept asking me to buy.. thn john said, might as well take the whole plate ask the guy gif us discount la... sooo funny...

thn when we eat finish, go back to car, we drove passed by the kopitiam again.. thn john said hw would the guy react if we hand signal 1 lala tabao, we all peng xia... freaking funny lor... actually the guy saw us inside the car thn we all dun dare to look at him lor..

the guy must be thinking today's lala so nice meh, we can eat 4 plate lor, it's cheap lor, 1 plate $1 nia... haha

thn whn going come back office, john said the caltex in front sell the drinks very cheap, thn lily said she wana buy so we went caltex bt must have petrol purchase thn gt cheaper la, so john pump $10, thn lily bought 3 carton, john bought 2 carton... thn coming back to office i told them wah piang so paisei xia, i came out with an uncle & aunty... buey tahan... thn john said today its all about quantity... so funny...

our 4 plates of lala

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Finally korea version of Hana Yori Dango is out, it is called Boys over Flowers



up till now 4 epi is out, it is very nice lor... kekeke
anyone with scv should be able to catch this drama in mid feb, mon & tue ch173 9pm show, nt so sure abt the exact date bt most likely is 16 feb...

straight hair 道明寺, actually the korean version, their name all change, so hard to remember
whn i look at him, i always find jerry yan's image in him, they look abit alike in some ways... =)

i love kim bum... kekeke... his smile is so captivating
he is just 20 yrs old... OMG... I FEEL SOOOOOO OLD


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

freaking huge crackers from John

ah... finally its near to CNY, i hope CNY come faster so i can go BKK liao... hehehe...

this yr 1st day of CNY, we won't be going to grandma's house as usual, grandpa (hm... nt my real grandpa, my grandma remarried) passed away last week.
Uncle Ben is back for CNY this year, so we will be heading to his crib instead.
OH... so boring new year... haiz... our office will resume on fri 30 Jan, gota deduct 2 days leave... damn sick... haiz... wat to do right?
1 whole week of slacking... great, i can eat & sleep the whole week, i think after my BKK trip i will be damn round leh.... HOW?? argh... i still ordered new year goodies for myself lor - bah kwa... hohoho... chilli flavor and cornflake cookies... hahaha...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

met Hua for lunch @ Photobucket korean restaurant today

6 side dishes were served

my order of kimchi chi gae

potato pancake


where am i looking at? keke

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

i finally got my ice cream phone =)

just watched korean version of hana yori dango and its nice :)

Saturday, January 03, 2009

at my crib discussing outfit & props for the make over one week before the photo shoot






the four of us reached beauty box around 2pm...

start our makeup




me & ting

me & lin










with jenny~

it's freaking tiring today... we spent 4 hrs inside beautybox, the group photo session was sooooo fun... bt damn tiring lor... can't wait for the photos to be out =)

more pics to come...