Xuan came pick me up at noon, she drove her bf's car and she bought her little cousin, Terrence along. Went chinatown with her to pick up toiletries for her France attachment, everything she bought is x5, shampoo, conditioner etc... we went to buy luggage too.. haha.. she bought 2 i bought 1 then we got more discount.. keke... my old one spoil liao, kena crack T__T so damn sad, my 1st & favourite luggage, its cheap, still rem i bought at watson for $49, 4 wheels lor.. such a good catch...
we sweat alot lor, then some more we carry so many stuffs still got to look after the little fella... he damn cute lor.. saw me damn shy thn don't want to talk to me... but after that he became comfortable with me, he will play with me... so cute leh... at least he is not those very noisy kid =)
was so damn shag after all the shopping, met mum & bro at amk for dinner thn went shop awhile at amk interchange...
it feels kind of sad knowing that xuan is departing in 2 months time...
though i know she will survive there but a gal leaving hometown is so lonely, esp when sick, no one looks after you, haiz... feel like crying liao T__T
i duno will i be able to save enough to go france find her or not, at least 3K lor... haiz... we shall see how ok...
we bought the same series... hehe.. this is the big one... xuan bought this size & a smaller one... we paid $100 for 3 luggage...
2 big bags fill with clothes & show... she borrowed show from me to bring to france...haha...
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