Monday, June 12, 2006

Finally after almost half a year I can FINALLY upload my BKK photos...thanks to Xuan

5th Jan 2006 Thur

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On the way to the Boarding Gate...

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Our Flight - Valuair 3K515 Departure 1245hr

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Heading to my Destination...BKK ^0^

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Our room - Baiyoke Sky Hotel Lvl 45
the room is damn spacious, simply loving it... I miss this hotel... and the cute guy at the lobby...hehe..the way he smile look like korean star Kim Jae Won (^0^)

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Our bed

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I love the toilet too...its very SPACIOUS...

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The walk in wardrobe

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Just beside the walk in wardrobe, see they have weighting machine too...and i can see my weight increasing everyday, I think i put on 3kg there haha...

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Me in my "pyjamas"

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Breakfast at Lvl 77

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Seems Delicious? Nah..not really, the dish is all too cold.

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Breakfast is really the same everyday...

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Inside Tuk-Tuk (scary, took 2 times, and once was at night & the driver drove through dark alley, so scary xia...)

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Dunkin Donut - so damn cheap, couldn't really remember the price but since its so damn cheap, we bought 9 at 1 go...and we couldn't finish it...LOL

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Are you craving for A&W? Ah... I miss the ice-cream waffles

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Dinner bought at road stall, Yummy... =) the pop corn is damn nice man... nicer than SG cinema selling wan lor, sweet & saltish, i bought back 1 packet & gave some to Minnie & Mic try, they also say nice, missing it...

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The little puppy is so damn cute, feel like bringing back home @ CTC, some pets are kept in really small cages, very pathetic, but i didn't get to see alot of pets coz Xuan don't like fluffy pets, why don't she like them? they are so damn kawaii ne...

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My Loots

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The light blue luggage, red bag & the yellow plastic bag is my stuffs, the other 2 is Xuan wan...

Looking back at the photos make me miss the 5 days 4 nights at BKK... I wana go back again...

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