Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Haha... so happy... finally i'm alive again... hehe
Sompi & ShinHwa ChangJo is back in my life....Yuppie... haha... Sompi is finally back coz previously they don't allow new user to sign up using free email and today i tried, i finally can register liao...hehehe...and SHCJ close down few mths agao, and now it's back and I'm so happy...
Actually these few wks i'm feeling very moody, not like my usual self and i don't know what's happening to me, I just wish my life is much more interesting and i hate my usual self now, don't ask me why. I wish to find a job that really suits me, can someone enlighten me? It's just so hard to find a dream job man, probably bcoz I also don't know what I want to work as, sometimes I just feel I suit sales line, but so xian thing is so many of my friends is in office line, if I'm in the sales line would be so diff to meet up, haiz.... I'm glad Bi found a job, I also wana find a new job but I just seem so lazy man...

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