Friday, June 30, 2006

Luckily for my Aunt Pauline, if not I would have made a stupid decision, Thanks, I just love my family~~~ hear my problems & giving me advices
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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Haha... so happy... finally i'm alive again... hehe
Sompi & ShinHwa ChangJo is back in my life....Yuppie... haha... Sompi is finally back coz previously they don't allow new user to sign up using free email and today i tried, i finally can register liao...hehehe...and SHCJ close down few mths agao, and now it's back and I'm so happy...
Actually these few wks i'm feeling very moody, not like my usual self and i don't know what's happening to me, I just wish my life is much more interesting and i hate my usual self now, don't ask me why. I wish to find a job that really suits me, can someone enlighten me? It's just so hard to find a dream job man, probably bcoz I also don't know what I want to work as, sometimes I just feel I suit sales line, but so xian thing is so many of my friends is in office line, if I'm in the sales line would be so diff to meet up, haiz.... I'm glad Bi found a job, I also wana find a new job but I just seem so lazy man...

Monday, June 26, 2006

Uncle Ben

Happy Birthday!!!

Monday, June 19, 2006

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Hye Sung

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Aren't they kawaii??? ^0^

Saturday, June 17, 2006

went to watch Fast & Furious - Tokyo Drift liao, wow...nice and Tsumabuki Satoshi made a cameo appearance, even though its only like few seconds but WOW...he is so dashing inside..hehehe. watched Just my Luck yest, quite ok, maybe i pinned too high hopes on the movie so turn out just fine nia...
Just received a post card from my Uncle who is in Germany at the moment, yap talking about Germany, your must have thought of one thing - WORLD CUP, but na... he is not there to watch WC but to meet friends.
Oh yah... yest so happy bought 1 thing, my SHINHWA Pictorial & DVD thingy, AH... SO HAPPY... even though don't know what the hell they talking coz it's in Korean & no chinese or english subtitles but their expressions just kills me...haha but Disc 2 got defects so got to go and change it and my new hp went to see doc yest, stupid phone has been giving me lots of problem, haiz...hopefully it will recover real soon, starting to miss my hp..
Stupid Flu is killing me...AH...SHITS...

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Asian Aerospace - 23 Feb 2006 Thur

This is the last yr AA will be in Sinagpore and I'm lucky I'm able to attend it and manage to catch the performance in the morning, The Airbus is damn beautiful & damn BIG lor.

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An airforce guy took this pic for us & he volunteer to take for us... he was like "yr wana take a pic" =)

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I like this pic but why is my face so dark?? hehe

Monday, June 12, 2006

Finally after almost half a year I can FINALLY upload my BKK photos...thanks to Xuan

5th Jan 2006 Thur

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On the way to the Boarding Gate...

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Our Flight - Valuair 3K515 Departure 1245hr

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Heading to my Destination...BKK ^0^

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Our room - Baiyoke Sky Hotel Lvl 45
the room is damn spacious, simply loving it... I miss this hotel... and the cute guy at the lobby...hehe..the way he smile look like korean star Kim Jae Won (^0^)

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Our bed

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I love the toilet too...its very SPACIOUS...

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The walk in wardrobe

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Just beside the walk in wardrobe, see they have weighting machine too...and i can see my weight increasing everyday, I think i put on 3kg there haha...

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Me in my "pyjamas"

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Breakfast at Lvl 77

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Seems Delicious? Nah..not really, the dish is all too cold.

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Breakfast is really the same everyday...

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Inside Tuk-Tuk (scary, took 2 times, and once was at night & the driver drove through dark alley, so scary xia...)

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Dunkin Donut - so damn cheap, couldn't really remember the price but since its so damn cheap, we bought 9 at 1 go...and we couldn't finish it...LOL

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Are you craving for A&W? Ah... I miss the ice-cream waffles

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Dinner bought at road stall, Yummy... =) the pop corn is damn nice man... nicer than SG cinema selling wan lor, sweet & saltish, i bought back 1 packet & gave some to Minnie & Mic try, they also say nice, missing it...

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The little puppy is so damn cute, feel like bringing back home @ CTC, some pets are kept in really small cages, very pathetic, but i didn't get to see alot of pets coz Xuan don't like fluffy pets, why don't she like them? they are so damn kawaii ne...

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My Loots

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The light blue luggage, red bag & the yellow plastic bag is my stuffs, the other 2 is Xuan wan...

Looking back at the photos make me miss the 5 days 4 nights at BKK... I wana go back again...

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Caught She's the Man yest with Bud, it's damn hilarious, met up with Lin after our wrk which is already at 9+pm, had long john silver first before heading to cine bought our tics and it's already ard 11pm & dash to Wisma for late night shopping...wah piang so many people xia... anyway just bought masks frm face shop...hehe...we watch 11.45pm show, so faster rush back to cine & luckily the show haven start yet...
My schedule next weeks sucks... and i only had 1 off day coz got to go for new and bcoz of the world cup thingy, both our wkends will be burnt xia...xianz...
Micky has started his blogging... hehe