Friday, November 25, 2005 mood just sucks...everything just seem not right +_+ esp my family day tmr is driving me crazy, everyone kept asking me meet what time, meet where, go where. WTF, yr never suggest go where then kept asking me how... ask your wana go where for dinner also kept saying anything... ARGH... so damn piss off and practically today talk to my family in a very bad tone... what i can say is i really very fed up lor... in the end finally managed to come out with a time to meet at my aunt house then after that think of where to go for dinner... already tired with my work still got to make me do this stuff... so tired now...anyway mon went to attend my ex colleague's I was thinking sometimes things really is fated lor... duno how to say lah, anyway Congrats...very tired now... juz now went for dinner with xuan... talk to her abt my work & my family day tmr... really very tiring today... ZZzzz....night sweetie

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