Wednesday, July 06, 2005

What a day!

AH... today wake up damn freaking early again, MSP meeting again. what the F@*k. super tired. slept @ 4am, wake up at 7.45am. reallt had enough of that stupid hongkie, hate her to the core xia, really got to buck up find job leh, i want to get out of this hell. Anyway this morning manage to see the reds guy @ NAC so still not bad. haha. had eye contact with him, thanks to Fanice who spot him sitting on the chair doing his hair then ask me to look inside then he look up and we had eye contact but i so paisei leh...haha.
Yesterday went to have a haircut, very long never go cut hair liao since new year.
GOSH... i guess i overspent my $ again, got to stop buying things liao. Haiz..
Feel like going holiday...miss Hong Kong, Ah Hua tmr going HK shopping, so envoius, ask her to buy for me pyjamas from ladies street. haha. told her i so envious she going HK then she also very cute, say she can pack me inside her luggage, so cute of her.
AH.. when is my ERIC oppa drama coming out??? I wanna watch so badly. Recently feel like buying RAIN cd leh, i love the song It's raining that song, SEXY GUY [drooling] he's such a dude but i still love ERIC the most (@ the moment) haha.. I wana go Korea too..AH...actually anywhere also can lah as long as i take a flight fly to other country. Shanghai also not bad lah but now the weather very hot..AAh.. Taiwan & Japan too... [drooling again] I not greedy lah, anywhere of these places can liao. haha..don't like long flights coz i can't seat still, longest 5 hrs plus flight I've taken is already driving me crazy..haha..
night my friends [very sleepy]

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