Thursday, July 21, 2005

So restless today. Not enough sleep yesterday, managed to close my eyes but my mind is not resting at all, must be thinking of something but what exactly is it on my mind leh??? Izit something going to happen?? hopefully not anything bad huh. Work full shift today so damn sleepy.
Yeah.. looking forward to Sat, going to meet Xuan & Hua, new pyjamas...hehe..oh..and the korean drama April Kiss, seems nice huh...
Damn it..when is my E R I C show going to be out? waited so long liao =( Dread it... Super Rookie....where are you...

Dear Land

Whatever your decision is, you know I will always be behind you supporting, though sad to see you leave but at the same time happy for you that you are pursuing your dream. Like what I said, not many people have found their dreams nor able to chase after their dreams, I'm glad you have found yours and be able to have a chance to dream, so you go gal. You will always have my support. I really wish you could be happy oh, like you & I always said, Life is short, be happy. Love you gal. ^_____^

From Yang~

For being there when I need you and standing beside me...
For listening without judging, and knowing without asking...
For keeping even the tinest secrets safe...
For making me laugh, encouraging my dreams, and loving me as I am...
and most of all,
for being you...
I Thank You,
my wonderful
supportive friend!!!

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