Tuesday, June 28, 2005

hehe, recently bought few shows, 2 korea and 1 taiwan show...oh gosh broke liao..haha.
sat family day went to watch Batman with my uncle & cousins, the show ok lah, alot of talking in the front part but at the back its quite nice. actually wana watch Initial D one but my 2 cousin watch liao, URGH... damit but my cousin say don't expect too much of that show. AIYO..who really care right, i wana watch the stars and the cars lah... another show i wana watch is the tom cruise show... seems nice man.. something like the day after tomorrow, i wana watch lah... ok so after the show we went to meet the others for dinner @ a thailand restaurant, i bought a cake for my uncle and he likes it, he still can say he feels so young leh, haha, my uncle so cute. i bought him a nike top coz he mention before he now got go gym work out so bought him a running top, my cousin Billy very cute xia, he bought a card for my uncle at the last min coz he really don't know what to buy then borrow from me a pen then when he write the message inside the card i laugh like hell xia, coz his hand writing worse than a primary school kid, even my uncle open the card he straight away say "wah, macham like gin na" i laugh till xiao again, so damn funny xia, manage to take some photo, ok liao then will post up.
oh yah, that day i had a small talk with micky & his gf, talking about my work stuff then micky was so shock about my pay then he say i think you better change job lah, then he say about his dreams too, he say he wants to have a shop of his own before 25 yrs old, maybe doing F&B stuffs then he still very sweet lor, say wana employ me as his staff then still can say every staff can get their own name card lah, still got staff holiday, he really very cute lor, say if business good we can go places like Japan lah blah blah but if business not good, still can go maybe JB shopping, WAHAHAHA...so funny very sweet of him right? actually when i heard he say this things i feel very touched lor, coz is like they still got include me inside their future, though nobody knows if this dream will really come true but its the thought that counts right? actually i really feel micky really change ever since he is with this girlfriend, i kind of like her lor, among my cousin's girl friend, she is the one that i met the most and can really talk with one lor, i feel like she is really our family member liao lor, even though they both still very young but i really hope they can last very long oh. wish both of your happiness always ^0^ (AH... where's my soul mate????)

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