all right, shall continue my BKK blog again...
2nd day

more shopping @ Pratunam area

settle our lunch @ A & W

ice cream waffle is still so yummy delicious

on our way back to hotel to put our stuffs, we saw this, after i took the pic, Ting say to me, u see, that one still moving & of course i jumped up, naughty Ting, tsk tsk...

everyone happy with their loots but so freaking tired
my loots

My saviour at BKK

loots were thrown in everyday to this bag, save the trouble of hand carry so i got more time & hand to cam whore

slacking & having my orange juice

have my pretty nails done at Plaza 29
after doing our medi & pedi, we head off to Asia hotel for The Calypso show

a friendly ajushi offered to help us take photo

this super friendly ajushi is from korea but he migrate to Canada

so many ang moh

the friendly ajushi came and took photo of us with his camera, so funny leh he... btw he ask us for our number but i gave him my msn instead, haha, he still haven send me our photo =(

the Emcee

so cute... he was squarting at our row, smiling so sweet & us being electrified, haha
btw he is a guy... not a he she

the bride transform

our drinks

see the funny looking clown at the bottom?

this performance is so hilarious

its the same cute guy that electrified us *SHOCKING*

"she" is sooo pretty

they are so huge

a nice background, just after this shot was taken, the lights went off...haha..lucky me
we bought the Claypso tic 1st day at our hotel, saw the info on flowerpod, paid 800B for the show + a drink (heard that if buy the tic at the hotel itself cost 1200B) the show last ard 1 and half hr, we bought the 9.45 show, it was 11+ when we came out, head off to have our dinner cum supper


it was a 2-storey Macdonald, the place was huge but i seriously can't compliment on the staff, attitude SUCKS

me & ting ordered a 10 piece nugget

mind you.. have to pay for the xtra condiments

our nice medi

our nice pedi

nice pedi on my fat foot, 450B for my pedi & medi

my medi
i spent a bomb at

5 bras... SGD ard 100+, so 1 bra is like 20+, damn cheap de lor... some more is brand like triumph & wacoal
3rd day

lin's breakfast

our breakfast... fried rice... to die for... YUMMY

our super duper friendly hotel staff Mr Tan C.
i still remember the 1st day we checked in, he greeted us with "你好吗" & i was stunt like 2 sec an he was smiling shyly
we asked him over to take photo with him & to help us take photo..haha

heading to Yaowarat aka chinatown

beautiful strawberry

seems yummy
basically nothing much to buy at Yaowarat, we just bought local food & left after walking around for awhile, everyone was so broke and we head back to hotel to cam whore again

buyings at Yaowarat

i just hv to post this... this stupid socket... 1st night when i wana charge my cam batt, i was searching high & low, and when i was going to give up, Chunju saw the socket hiding so below & hidden by the legs of the dressing table, we still need to move the table so that i can pluck my charger in lor...

Calypso tic stub

after cam whore we walk to MBK
we split into 2 groups coz me & chunju no mood to go walk liao, so we head off to food court to satisfy our tummy

very nice food court, there's 2 and we just spot the new one...

they will give u this card when u go in... something like u eat in Marche, pick yr food, gif thm the card and pay when u r going off

this curry chiken thingy caught my attention

i tell you... its so bloody tasty... i'm drooling again

mexican food, so so nia... btw this food court offers a grand variety of food over the world... =) bt abit pricey
after makan, we meet up Bint who took us to our massage
its located at

it looks like country club

very beautiful inside

our big private room for 5

like patient in hospital

Bint bought the coupon for the massge so we end up paying lesser, instead of 450B we paid 350B =)
after massage we head to Khaosan

my favourite snack at Khaosan

Phad thai.. tats is how i end up loving Phad thai, i find it the most delicious in Khaosan

its dirt cheap
anyway we had our decent dinner cum supper again at

Tom yum gong

its the same curry at MBK food court but MBK one taste nicer

chicken wrapped in duno wat leaves...damn nice

seafood combo, i guessed?

kang kong

after dinner i really felt sleepy, it was until the last day in the wee morning i realised i'm not feeling well... i slept very early on the last night, i even asked Chunju to let me bath 1st thn i pack my things & hopped into bed and she was saying, so fast sleep liao... i said i very tired~~
early morning around 5+ i woke up coughing profusely and kept feeling like thowing up... after 1hr cough & burping, i threw up... just some transparent stuff, abit only... bt i felt better and thn faster popped some fishing pills into my tummy... and i was feeling fine by the time we head out for breaky
Finally the last day

it would be nicer if they didn't forget to minus the spring onion T_T
heads off to CTC market

the pets section...i nearly go crazy at this section

so freaking kawaii

hot chicks?

wats tat???
its thrash? no.. it's thrash best friend, mice... haha

quack quack

its squirrels

all right.. tis little fella fell off right in my eyes but i didn't catch it, i'm so sorry...

quail eggs..

all for 199B only.. can't believe it...

chicken noodle

a view at our hotel
spamming at lobby b4 heading to airport

with our Mr Tan C. again, he cut his hair... looking smart...
btw, theres another hotel staff that looks abit like 183 club huang yurong, i don't hv the pics at the moment coz whn i took pic with him my cam low batt so its incide chunju cam, will upload whn i got the pics... we gave him a nickname 138, imitation of 183 club..haha

last pic at hotel with my cam...
we actually book a cab with the driver who drove us to our hotel on our 1st day, we ask him to come at 4pm, at whn time came there is still no sign of him, we ask Tan C. to help us call him, instead of asking us to use the hotel phone which we need to pay, he uses his cellphone to help us call w/o charging us of coz... so sweet of him right? he told us the cab driver not coming... walau so irritating.. so we ask Tan C. hail a cab for us, i told him 300B, he really went out and get us a cab for 300B to airport, GREAT.. we actually need 2 cab but the driver said actually all can go in his cab... we got 10 luggage + bag in total... then he ask for another 50B more so we ok... a great deal if that uncle who fly us kite came, coz he quote us 400B & if we took 2 cab it will be 800B in total bt now its 1 cab 350B with all of us inside... we are actually all broke so we are so happy that we can all squeeze in 1 cab...
before we left we tips Tan C. & Lin ask for his no & friendster...haha.. in the end Lin told me Tan c. didn't reply his msg & his email can't sent through.. so i told Lin, u r not his type, if chunju go and ask him, mayb info all correct, bcoz on the last day when we were spamming at the lobby, taking pics with Tan C. he took out his mobile & took Chunju pic... so we made fun of chunju lor...haha Tan C. even gave us flying kiss lor... haha..see he really damn friendly, mayb is bcoz of us lor.. we quite open with him ma... haha..btw he is 18 only lor.. that 138 also 18 nia..gosh..we are really like big sister to them or frightening ajumma??? haha

our bags

the bad thing that all our stuff were in 1 cab... my luggage got spoilt T_T

my stuffs
loots at CTC

dress for mum

i love these bags

DOM & champagne for me, red wine for Aunt Chan & beer for Billy

broke at buying so many Botanics stuff... but its really good...
shall end my post here, i think this is the ever lengthy post i have blog... theres more pics to come =)